Miss Fitness USA


Hey All!
So I have decided to train for the Miss Fitness USA over the next year. Any suggestions or advice?


I am new to the Cathe forum and so far everyone seems to have some great ideas. I have been working out now for several years and I have hit a time where I need to challenge myself a bit more. So I set the goal of competing in the Miss Fitness USA. If anyone has competed or knows what I might be up against I would like to know a bit more about it.
Interesting way to introduce yourself. :) Why don't you tell us a little about where you are and what you need to work on and then we might be able to comment?

I'm fairly familiar with the competition--the winner of the first competition in like 1992 was Mia Finnegan, & she was probably my first inspiration to start serious weight training.

First off, all of these women have talent. I mean, SERIOUS talent. It's not like your typical bodybuilding show. In fact, there is a talent section & for the most part they did some kind of gymnastic or dance routine.

Second, if you haven't already you'll need to get a posing coach. You literally have to learn how to pose--i.e. flex certain bodyparts at certain times--for the competition. Also, if you can afford it, you should hire a personal trainer to really step up your workouts b/c you have to be totally cut for Miss Fitness.

Third, obviously you'll need someone to do your makeup & hair (unless you're an expert at it) b/c your look is extremely important. The women are all very feminine & beautiful.

Fourth, you'll have to pick your outfits (most of them wear different outfits for each segment of the competition) & your preferred body oil.

Finally, I know a lot of people here hate the old low carb diet, but that's what these women do for about 6 weeks before the competition. A very strict >20 carbs a day diet.

I think that's about all the advice I have to offer. I've considered competing in bodybuilding competitions (I have no talent to offer a Miss Fitness competition unless you consider talking someone to death a talent), but getting up on stage in front of a hundred people wearing like 4 square inches of clothing all oiled up just gives me the heebie jeebies. ;-)
I've considered competing in bodybuilding competitions
(I have no talent to offer a Miss Fitness competition unless you consider talking someone to death a talent), but getting up on stage in front of a hundred people wearing like 4 square inches of
>clothing all oiled up just gives me the heebie jeebies. ;-)

This made me laugh and I needed to laugh today! Thank you!

A friend in fitness,
If you're serious, do a search for Cathy Savage Fitness. They specialize in women's fitness competition and are pretty well regarded.


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