MIS question please :)


Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer advice here :) People here are so friendly.

How long should I do MIS in roataion if I am new to this video? And, is 3 days week too much or is 2x week adequate with one day of a video/weight circuit video OK?

I just completed MIS for the first time. I have done rotations with both PS series and PH & Body Max.

Does any one have a favorite rotation with MIS & MIC that they recommend? (I have the above videos plus: rhythmic step, step heat, and some firm videos, and other step videos. Also have treadmill & recumbent bike.)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Cathe posted a rotation where you do MIS 2xs a week and PH 1 time a wk for 4 weeks, then PH 2 x's and MIS 1 x. I liked this rotation, change it to suit your own needs:
Sat. MIC Hi/Lo and MIS Upper Body
Sun. MIC Step and MIS Lower Body
Mon. Rhythmic Step (any Cathe cardio will suffice)
Tue. Power Hour
Wed. Step Works or Step Fit
Thu. MIS
This rotation allows me to work each muscle group 3x's a week. I would do Step Heat if you're tired on Mon. or Wed. since it's shorter and less intense. Have fun!
Yhanks Jillybean!! I never thought of breaking up MIS & MIC. I like the idea. Today was my first day doing MIC and WOW I can see why it has MAXIMUM in the name.

PS I've been reading your posts for a while now and feel as if I know you :) How is life this week?

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: Hi there!

Boy thank you so much for asking! I was going to throw a pity party for myself because I thought no one cared and lo and behold - you asked me how I was doing - THANK YOU! :) I will not bore you with whining, just let me state for the record that Krispy Kreme donuts made their debut here in Minnesota this week and I didn't actually make myself a stranger. Oh well. Thank you so much for inquiring as to how I was. That will keep me going all day!
RE: Kripsy Kremes... we are only human

Move on and foret about the past. Each day/ hour we can start over and look forwrd! Take one day at a time my frend :)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: lood "forward" " friend"

It is not my spelling. Its is my typing LOL!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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