

Why do some mirrors make you look like crap! I just got back from kohls and left their feeling somewhat depressed. It make look chunky and it show every flaw on my face. My mirrors at home make me look lean and tone and give me a nice complexion as for other major department stores do the same. Wish mirror is telling the truth? I'm 40 years old and I'm told all the time I look very young, I'm starting to wonder.

It's the lighting. Do they still make those "true to light" mirrors with the variable light settings?
I've also noticed some stores have better mirrors than others. I don't do well with Kohl's mirrors, either. Maybe they should look into that. I like my bathroom mirror, but I can't bring it with me when I go shopping!!! Target, on the other hand, has good mirrors.

I don't understand why stores have bad mirrors (Penny's seems to have some 'fat and cellulite enhancing' mirrors! LOL!). Don't they want people to buy their clothes?
hehehe ITA! I was just trying on some clothes and was upset with how some things looked in the mirror. It probably was the lighting. But still it DID make me put an item back. argh! They should fix up the dressing rooms to make us look fantastic so we buy all the clothes!
We've just came back from vacation on the Cayman Island. In that condo that we rented were the best mirrors, whatever they did with the lightening -- and I was in bathing suit all day long! I will go back next year, that's for sure. BTW, best vacation EVER!
Can I go? To the Cayman Islands with you? Take me!!!!!! :D :D


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I hate the crappy mirrors, too. It seems like higher end stores like the Gap and Limited (etc) have better mirrors. Is there such a thing as a vanity mirror? You know, like vanity sizing?! At any rate, those are the kind of mirrors many stores have. While it is nice to try stuff on and have it look good, I also find it frustrating because then when I take the item home I end up looking like crap, or at least not as great as I did in the store. The 3 mirrors I use at home to check myself out are pretty varied. One makes me look great and the others are more realistic. At home and with those mirrors is where I end up confirming myself after every purchase. In a nutshell, I remind myself of why those mirrors are really there in dressing rooms ... to make me buy more! hahaha.
Totally agree about the mirror thing!

I always have a beef with mirrors and lighting at gyms that aren't flattering. That is such a buzz kill!! It can definitely be demotivating to see how much more work you need to do!

Plus, the downside w/ bad gym mirrors is that everybody else can see you in the "wide angle" and bad lighting! Sigh, it just ain't right!

Take care, Lynn M.

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