Minnesota Roll Call


The tragedy of the collapse of the 35W bridge in Minneapolis has brought responses from many here who are Minnesotan, and I had no idea.

Please check in and tell where (generally if you wish) you live in the Land of 10,000 Cathe Workouts!

Me - suburb slightly northwest of Minneapolis; I work in Mpls, as does DH.


I'm in Burnsville (suburb south of Minneapolis). My husband and I run a health care business from home.

Hey Nettie-your post on the Ask Cathe gave me goose bumps as I agree totally.

JJ- I shop at Maplewood Mall all the time. I'll have to wear my Cathe T-shirt-maybe we will run into each other :)

Hi wonderfull MN women,

I don't live in minneapolis but I am in shock and can't even believe the TV is right. Can't imagine how people that were there and survived are dealing.

I live in NW Minnesota in Thief River Falls.

Home of Arctic Cat - had to get that plug in.

Take care ladies,
I'm in the Twin Cities. My good friend's cousin is in the hospital in critical condition, but it seems he'll make it through, so it should be alright.
I'm in southeast Minnesota, by Rochester. I know a few people that missed the crash by just a few minutes - they had just passed over and were two blocks away before they heard it fall and felt the ground rumble. When they looked back it was just a big cloud of dust. So sad!

I live in the SW suburbs. I'm on that bridge maybe 6 times a year. One of those times was 3 hours before it collapsed. Makes you think...
Hey Marcia .. (your old P90X check in thread pal) ..

.. glad you are safe and well .. this is such a tragedy . . I pray for everyone there ..

.. I am never comfortable crossing large bridges .. we just traveled over the Lake Pontratrain bridge and it scared the life out of me .. they are constantly working on it .. but after Katrinia I have my doubts on it's safety!..

.. my thoughts are with all of you!!

I live in Richfield. Work in Edina. My husband works in Plymouth (by Nettie's house, sort of).

Hope everybody's okay!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm here and just fine. My brother probably missed it by 10 min, had he gotten off work a little earlier he might have been one of them victims. Kind of scary how many people were so close to being there. But very sad how many people were there.
Oh, I live in Big Lake, MN

Greetings to all,
This is Tracey checking in from Mora. My sis-in-law and her husband were going to the Twins game and had just passed over the bridge. Many thoughts and prayers going out all over MN.
I'm here representing the SW part of the state - Marshall. Home to Schwan's (home delivery service and parent co. of Tony's, Red Baron & Freschetta pizza)

DD's boyfriend was helping his brother move from the U of Minn dorms to a house nearby the campus on Wed. They did not have to travel on the bridge, but he said it was total chaos trying to get around after the collapse. He felt so bad for everyone involved. It's just hard to believe how quickly events can happen that change people's lives forever.
Hello, fellow Minnesotans. I lived in the Twin Cities area (and worked at the Maplewood Mall, amongst other malls, that others mentioned) but moved to Rochester last year.

My prayers to everyone affected by this tragedy

Boy, a good mix of veteran and new Minnesotans on the Cathe forums!

Has anyone read the coverage about the firefighter Shanna Hanson who, while off duty, learned about the collapse, ran to the scene and repeatedly dove under searching submerged vehicles while only secured by one rope? We've come a long way, baby.

Keep checking in, Minnesotans!

Jo-Jo and Beans, we need a Meating SOON! Jo-Jo, you'll be going to the Road Trip, so that will be our first agenda item: the RT Recap.

interesting timing, A-Jock..I have the news on right now, and they are doing a story on her. It's great to hear stories like her's.

Glad you all are OK.I'm not from MN, but it holds a place close to my heart. I tell my friends that Mayo is worth every penny. Rochester is a great place to visit, just to see Mayo. And, I do own a Mayo Clinic Sweatshirt in electric blue.

Still trying to catch the news on the bridge, it makes me sad that this happened.
I don't live there anymore, but I was born and raised in Owatonna, and I was there the last few days for a wedding. Saw the news about the bridge as I was stopping at rest stops. One of my cousins and his family had just been there, on the bridge, a couple of weeks ago.

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