mindy mylrea


Active Member
Not sure if I spelled her name right. Does anyone have her dvds. if so which are the best ones and is she advanced? Thanks in advance
RE: Mindy Mcleary

Do you mean Mindy Mylrea?

I have a few. I've only tried one and it drove me crazy. Her cuing is pretty much non-existent. In the words of a friend, "GO is not a cue!". And she talks incessantly.

She is advanced, but I'll take Cathe any day.
RE: Mindy Mcleary

Mndy really bugs me with the chitter chatter constantly, also. And I agree that the cuing is not good, although I sometimes think Cathe's cueing in some of the more recent step workouts is not all that, also. Mindy is like a gym teacher after 27 espressos, a combo of girl next door and drill sergeant. I really love Cathe's sane, calm, controlled approach by comparison.

I will say, though, that Mindy's interval workouts are TOUGH and effective, almost as much as the IMAXs. Maybe you could pick one up cheap, or maybe it's on Netflix, so you could see if you like her.
RE: Mindy Mcleary

Well, I'll put in a vote for "You have to get one!" I love Cathe the best, of course, but I also love Mindy, but in a different way. She is goofy and does talk a lot through the workout, but that's why I love her. Her goofiness just makes me laugh in the middle of a tough workout. And yes, I think her workouts are tough and well worth the money. Her "Kick Butt Bootcamp" is awesome, and my all time favorite of hers is "Interval Express." She has high energy and a likeable personality. I think you should definitely get one and try it to see if you like her.
RE: Mindy Mcleary

I think Mindy is funny. Her stuff is advanced, especially her interval workouts. I've actually never tried any of her weight workouts, since I pretty much just use Cathe's for weights. However, I've stopped acquiring Mindy's workouts because I've decided to limit my purchases of higher impact stuff to Cathe and just a couple of other instructors. I'd give her a try if I were you. Maybe try trading for something over at VF.

RE: Mindy Mcleary

I like Mindy a lot. Her workouts are intense, different, and chaptered well enough to work alone or as an add-on to something else. Kick Butt Bootcamp and All About Legs provide some very interesting variations on the same-old which I found totally refreshing. I don't personally find her cueing to be a problem.

RE: Mindy Mcleary

I love Mindy!! She is so funny, full of energy and her workouts are tough. I know some people don't like that she's chatty but I do. Besides all that, I know that I'm going to get a great workout. My favorites are:

Kick Butt Boot Camp
Body Bar: Energy Action Circuit
Extreme Intervals
Slammin' Sports Cardio
Strength Express
Awesome Strength

She gave a gliding class at my sister's annual convention this year and my sister said that she is ripped!!
RE: Mindy Mcleary

thanks for all your opinions, I just ordered Kick butt and extreme Intervals.. I let you know how I like them once I try them. Thanks again. TLC

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