Michigan Get Together


I am planning on being there too, weather permitting.

I was planning on calling Bennigans tomorrow (Tuesday) to get us a table reserved.

Last count from about 1 month ago was 5.. so I will make the reservation for 8 people, in case we have extras. The reservation will be under my name, Lynn.

Can't wait to meet you all!

I live in Ann Arbor. I would love to be filled in on Ann Arbor get-togethers. Are you open to new people?
HI Dona-

It would be great if you could come! A few weeks back somebody on the forum asked how many Michiganders were out there, and the thread kind of evolved into planning a get together this Saturday. Its our first one, and none of us know each other.

Let me know if you want to come.. Its 1:00 at the Bennigans this Saturday, 2/15.

Hi guys!
I really need to get out of the house. Two of my kids are sick, and someone has been home from school since last Monday. I'm planning to be there (I hope).
Hi fellow Michiganders:

Just wanted to let you know that I called Bennigan's to set up a reserved table for us. They don't take reservations, but would try to accomodate us anyways. Since we don't know each other, it might be best that whoever gets there first to tell the hostess to seat us at a table for 8 and that you are with the Cathe Exercise group.That way she can get all of us together at one table.
Does that work for you all?

Can't wait to meet everybody!

My DH seems okay with taking the kids out for lunch without me Saturday. I'll probably be there unless one of us gets sick or other problems come up.

Hi everynoe I am unable to meet this Saturday due to a little valentine getaway my husband planned. Please meet again some time soon. SORRY


:-( :-(
Ugh! My 7 year old is still sick, poor little guy. I can't go tomorrow. Will someone please have a Margarita (or 3) for me? I'm so sorry I can't make it. I want all the details!
OOOOOOH how I wish I could join you. I went to graduate school at U of M and lived in Ann Arbor for 3 years. I loved it there. What a great place. In fact, I loved Michigan. I'll be keeping up with your Michigan thread from here. Since a couple of your people can't show up, I wish you could just put my picture in a seat, and a small web-cam and I could kinda sorta participate.
Hi everybody--

Bad news. I am going to have to be a no show at lunch today!! I threw my back out yesterday ( I picked up my 16 month old wrong!) and I know that the drive over to Ann Arbor from Kalamazoo and back is going to feel very good on it.

I am so bummed! Will whoever shows up today, give the rest of us a report on how it went and maybe if this works out, we can plan another one in the spring??

I sorry I didn't make it. I hope some of you did and had a good
time. I would like to hear how it went. If there will be another
get-together in Ann Arbor, I would like to know about it and possibly

The only people who showed was Lauren and I. Neither one of us logged on Saturday to see who was going to make it and we waited for quite a while but decided that no one else was going to show. Sorry to hear about your back Lynn and the your sick child Dawn.

Lauren and I pretty much talked about all the instructors we have gone through and some diet talk. We are hoping to do this again in May or so. So if anyone is interested in May or June let me know. Not sure if Ann Arbor is the best place or somewhere else. Any suggestions please pass along.

Hi Rhonda;

I'd love to meet up with you guys, but as I said on our earlier thread, Saturdays are such family days, Sunday would be excellent. And may would be great, or earlier if anyone's up for it?

Hi, Sorry so many of you weren't able to make it. My kids are older and I can usually switch around my work days, so I'd be open to just about any day if anyone wanted to try again

:D Lauren
Hi there--

I am glad that at least two of you got to be able to get together. Again I am so sorry I couldn't come in. The back is better, but I don't think I will be doing any of those "Pike on the Ball" exercises from PUB anytime soon.
Yes, when we get closer to spring, let's try to plan something again. Either Ann Arbor or Jackson works great for me as far as a meeting place.

Hope everybody is doing well!

Oh my gush... I had no clue that there are so many Catheites in Ann Arbor. Will there be another meating? Hopefully in Ann Arbor.. I'm not too good with driving I want to meat you guys soooo much... that's a great motivation.
Is it possible to meat earlier then May? I can't wait that long lol

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