Michael Vick's Dogs


There is a great update on the fate of Michael Vick's dogs in today's Saturday' New York Times. Many are in foster care and a number are at Best Friends Sanctuary. This shelter is featured on NGEO channel Dogtown. While it is often sad it is also heartwarming to read how much care and love these dogs are finally receiving. The article is below the fold on page 1.
That clip brought a tear to my eye... hopefully, now, those poor dogs will finally experience some peace and happiness.
Thank God for places like Best Friends Sanctuary. Of all the dogs rescued, they only had to put one down. Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pitbulls (Bad Rap) played a big role in the evaluation of these dogs after their resuce and they also have placed a lot of them. If you go to their site http://www.badrap.org/rescue/ and click on The Michael Vick Dogs are Ready to Meet the Public, and then go to See Them Now you can watch a slideshow that shows some of the dogs and tells a story about the various dogs they are showing. It's very heartwarming! It's also amazing to hear how the dogs love other dogs, cats and children. No surprise to me as a pit bull owner, but a surprise to many, I'm sure.


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)


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