Someone had mentioned MIC a while back, and since then it has been stuck in my head. This one is NOT a favorite of mine, and is normally shoved in the back. The DVD comes out to the front when I want to do RS or IMAX. I was feeling kinda sluggish and over eating blah-ish yesterday, so I figured I'd give it a go. This one only comes out about every 6 months or so. I did it, and I although it wasn't as fun as other Cathe cardio, I did enjoy it. I was running out of steam at the end of the step section, but found my 2nd wind for the intervals at the end, which are my fave part of MIC, and made it thru with flying colors. I also noticed Cathe's hair is messed up at the end of this one. Her hair NEVER gets messed up. Y'all don't wanna know what I looked like at the end It woke me up for the rest of the day yesterday, and I sure did sleep good last night! My calves sure are sore today, though. They're ok once I get moving, but if I stop and sit down, they kink back up again. I think I'm gonna have to pull this one out more often; it doesn't have the dread factor anymore.