
Hi Annette,

I had a question for you, and tried to send you email and PM through this site, but both came back with error messages (don't know if your email address has changed or something).

Let me know if you see this ok? I was wondering if you could recommend a couple of books on exercise physiology. I purchased one book someone recommended a while back (More Muscle by Ken Sprague) but found it was a bit light on the physiology side. Since you have studied it, I thought you might have some recommendations.


RE: Hey, Jodi!

Sorry my e-mail address didn't work for you - I'll have to check my profile!

I think that the best book for you to get, not knowing what your previous studies have been, is the American Council on Exercise textbook "ACE Personal Trainer Manual". I have both that textbook and the earlier edition of the ACE Group Fitness Instructor Manual, and I find myself frequently referring back to each of its chapters on exercise physiology, human anatomy (with emphasis of course on the cardiovascular / pulmonary system, the skeletal system and the muscular system), biomechanics and applied kinesiology, nutrition, program design, what have you. While this text is by no means the most exhaustive you could get, it is an excellent foundation for further reading.

I'd also suggest you go on to the Human Kinetics website, and scan their copious list of texts that cover so much - strength development, cardiovascular development, training for sport, plyometrics, etc. Great resource.

Hope this helps!

RE: Hey, Jodi!

Thanks so much Annette! I will check both of those out and see if I can't get some reading materials. I don't have a big background in this at all, but I did take some physiology/biology when I studied massage, so I have a very basic background. I've wanted to do some more detailed reading, but a couple of the recommendations I got didn't really give me what I was looking for.

So are you on the intensity blast rotation? I haven't seen you around as much lately - I always watch for your posts because I love your evil humour!

Thanks again my friend in fitness!

RE: Hey, Jodi Again!

(see above)

Actually, I don't really "do" rotations as most people do here on this and other forums. I teach two aqua classes per week, and do three other land cardio/strength sessions per week; that doesn't really lend itself to the kind of rotations I see here.

I guess I'm on the "Whatever the h#** I feel like" rotation right now. I-Max 1 or a neat Cathe Interval Mish-Mosh is a given on Sundays, and Monday and Thurs. nights are always up for grabs. Tonight I'm doing the following:

Rhythmic Step warm-up
CTX Power Circuit circuit segment
Boot Camp Cardio/Lower Body only premis
Ab Hits Kickbox planks and supine roll-ups
Cardio-Weights abs
1/2 hour do-it-myself upper body

Thank God for a 5-disc DVD player . . .

Glad the suggestions were helpful. ACE textbook to get you started, and then more focused TEXTBOOKS (as opposed to commercialized trade books) to keep you on point.

Lookin' More Like Dr. EEEEvil Every Day
RE: Hey, Jodi Again!

Aquajock, somehow I can't picture you looking evil, just incredibly buff and tuff which I think is awesome and I truly believe that God has a plan in all this!!!! :) :) :) :)

Now the only other reason I posted here is to say that I get a kick out this new forum which tells how many people have "viewed" this site. Here you have a thread addressed to AJ and over 80 people have already read it....I can't believe how many people lurk around here!!!! Sorry...just a funny thought. Now I'll get out of this thread addressed to AJ and mind my own business ha ha.

RE: Hey, Aquajock Again!

>(see above)
>Actually, I don't really "do" rotations as most people do here
>on this and other forums. I teach two aqua classes per week,
>and do three other land cardio/strength sessions per week;
>that doesn't really lend itself to the kind of rotations I see
I'm actually on a whatever the he*# rotation as well, but more because I don't know what the heck I want! hehe I like the Mish-Mosh idea!

>I guess I'm on the "Whatever the h#** I feel like" rotation
>right now. I-Max 1 or a neat Cathe Interval Mish-Mosh is a
>given on Sundays, and Monday and Thurs. nights are always up
>for grabs. Tonight I'm doing the following:
>Rhythmic Step warm-up
>CTX Power Circuit circuit segment
>Boot Camp Cardio/Lower Body only premis
>Ab Hits Kickbox planks and supine roll-ups
>Cardio-Weights abs
>1/2 hour do-it-myself upper body
>Thank God for a 5-disc DVD player . . .

Holy cow. How the heck do you decide you want to do all that in advance. It sounds extremely long. You must be excellent at programming the DVD? Or are you manually switching from one to the other. What the heck makes you get up one morning and decide to do that combo in the evening?

>Glad the suggestions were helpful. ACE textbook to get you
>started, and then more focused TEXTBOOKS (as opposed to
>commercialized trade books) to keep you on point.
Thanks again. I am ordering the ACE textbook (personal trainer one right?) tomorrow but having it sent to a friend in the U.S., so it'll take a while. She'll send it on to Canada at a cheaper rate (I hope) that the site can ship to me for.

I checked out the Human Kinetics site for a few minutes at lunch today. I'm not sure what book I would look to next, but I guess I'll get through the ACE manual first and then worry about it!

So how did you get involved in teaching aqua-exercises?

p.s. briee - you are welcome here. I just couldn't figure out a way to ask aquajock a question without getting loud and rude in the subject line - hehe.
RE: Hey, Jodi - re aqua

I got into aqua instruction by joining a few aqua classes as the guest of a friend of mine back in the summer of 1996, and instantly fell in love with it. I love good tub-thumpin' music, water and rhythmic exercise, so this was the winningest of combos. One of my instructors noticed how much I enjoyed it, and suggested I train in as an instructor (as well as get ACE-certified toot sweet); I did so, and was lucky enough to be given not one but two classes per week immediately out of training. That was February 1997 (holy smokes! my 6th anniversary!) and I'm still rockin' along, teaching a Wed. p.m. and Sat. a.m. class each of which runs about 80 minutes.

I love aqua. If you know what you're doing you can get an incredible cardio and muscle-endurance workout in, without the joint stress and heat fatigue that can inhibit short- and long-term peak performance. In fact, you can go longer and at a higher intensity level in the water precisely because of the decreased impact forces and quick cooling of the core and working muscles, so you can use a lot more energy.

Thanks again for all your good thoughts! And enjoy your ACE-Personal Trainer manual. You'll have to read hideous words like "mitochondria" and "torque", but it all has great value in the end.

RE: Hey, Jodi - re aqua

Hi A-jock,

Wow you do sound addicted! I've never really tried an aqua class but you make it sound very appealing. What neck of the woods are you in? I almost wondered if you were french (the toot-sweet reference hehe).

I don't know what they have here for aqua fitness classes but I just might check it out this summer.

I have already ordered the ACE manual and I am very much looking forward to it. I used to love biology class in high school, so here's hoping I remember a few of those words!

Thanks for the motivation!


RE: Hey, Jodi - re aqua

I live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area. Very few French people here; we're overrun by faux Swedes and Finns who like to say "yah sher you betcha".

Don't be surprised if you can't find an aqua class that's conducted at anything higher than a very moderate intensity level. IMHO, and from what I've heard / seen from other classes and participants, intensity is not exactly a key value (although a lot of aqua instructors delude themselves into thinking that they do put on a hi-intensity class). Again, you have to know what you're doing and you have to be in good physical shape to teach an effective aqua class, and that combination isn't exactly a hallmark of the population.

How's THAT for crabby?!

Take care!

RE: Hey, Aqua

Well maybe one day I'll be in that area and can take a class from a pro! I'd love to see what a high-intensity class feels like. I like the idea of working out in the water - less stress on the joints and no one can see you are sweating!

Everyone has to have a rant now and then - it shows you care deeply about something. Better than being neutral about life!

Take care,


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