Mental Preparation


What I've noticed with these new Intensity tapes is that it's not as easy to hop out of bed at 4:30am to do them! :7 I lay there and go over in my mind what I'm going to be doing. Then I either get up and go for it or I get more rest and workout at 9am.If it's one of the strength training videos I usually get up. I did Bootcamp again today and when I woke up I just said "Nope, can't do it. Need more sleep". I was actually glad I did cuz she sure kicks your boot-y! With IMAX2 I have gotten up and went for it. Usually by the end on interval 1 my brain is not so foggy! Stay strong - Susan
Susan - On weekdays, I get up a bit before 4am to let the dogs out and feed them before I pop in my Cathe tape/DVD for the day. You're right that the Intensity Series is especially tough for us early birds, but since they are still "fresh" to me, I haven't had trouble getting out of bed because I dread the workout. It's the darn cold house that makes me want to stay under the covers. Alas, I've no option but to get up, as I have to go to work afterward. I save IMAX2 for Saturdays when I can sleep in and wake up a bit before attempting the dreaded Interval Number Nine. suzanne
I hear you! Today was IMAX 2 day and my hubby nudged me and asked if I was getting up. I thought for a bit and snuggled back down under the covers. I finally was ready at 9am! Though I'm never really ready for Interval 9! :) Susan
I totally agree with you and to be honest I am kind of bummed :( I set my alarm every day this week and hardly got up as early as I usually do!

I went to look at my charted workouts for this past week (I go sat-fri for my weeks) and realized I took 3 rest days!!!!!! Mainly I think it was a combo of intimidation by these new videos and 2nd was that I was sore as heck! On Sat I did Cardio & Wts and PUB. Sunday I rested as we had family over. Then on Monday I did bootcamp, rested on Tuesday because I felt so sore and also had a cold. Then Wednesday I did the elliptical and wts at work and made myself VERY sore! Then on Thursday I did Bootcamp at the gym and am Still sore! Then took a rest on Friday. That adds up to 3 rest days!

I am going to try and be better this week. Maybe I was over training this week.

I am doing Imax 2 today and am really nervous. If I can't get over this mental thing I am probably going to bring out a couple of the old Cathe videos this week.

How many rest days a week do you usually take?
A few weeks ago(after I got the new tapes) I started a 3 days on 1 day off routine. I really like it. I'll do PUB(w/30mn NordicTrack),then PLB, then IMAX2, take a day off.Then it's Bootcamp, Cardio&Whts, and Muscle Endurance(30-1hr extra cardio) take a day off again.
I think taking those rest days really helps me stop from overtraining. On my off days I stretch for about an hour and "practice" my core moves.
And don't worry we all get off track some weeks. You'll pick yourself up again. :) Susan

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