+=+= MELTING on Monday! +=++=

Hey All...

I just did three rounds of three circuits this evening...whew. Its tough stuff and both my sciatic nerves are talkin' to me...not good, might have been the running? But I only did it briefly..

Leanne, you purty thang you!:7 Your DH is so very handsome, your dad does look like the Great Gatsby! I loved the book and the movie BTW...and little Clementine? Oh dear, whatta love!:)

Kristi, LOL about you falling off your ball, nighty night ironwoman...

Lainie, send me your address again just in case I lost it or deleted kay? I will send your stuff tomorrow!

Shelley, I might have to get that Slo-Mo leg workout, everytime you work legs your workouts sound so interesting...last time it was glute camp or something like that..the lip plumper isn't really THAT good, but its fun to apply and keep reapplying, I can sit and do it for hours...yes I have some sort of weird compulsion with it...:p

I hope I caught up here....I am sleepy too and need a very hot bath tonight, I hurt pretty bad...thank you bad lower back for causing me so much grief.:p I feel silly complaining after what Kristi did today!

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