Medicine balls in Canada


Active Member
Hi - does anyone know where I can get a medicine ball in Canada? I am in Kingston but also go to Toronto and Ottawa fairly frequently. I read in the postings that there were some at Wallmart in the States but they don't seem to have them here. Any thoughts?

I got my medicine ball at National Sports. I live in Peterborough but I know that there is a national sports in Pickering. Check out there website for other medicine ball sightings! Good Luck.
There are a few fitness depot's in Toronto, that's where I got mine (not cheap-$40 or so for 2.2 kg). I would think they would also have them at fitness source which is a great store, there's one on Yonge around Lawrence in Toronto.

I saw some 8-pounder balls at Champs at Scarborough Town Centre last weekend. Not cheap though -- approx. $55.00.

Also saw some at "Play It Again Sports" in my area -- but they only had 10 and 12 pounders and once again not cheap -- approx. $65.00. These did not look "used" though.

Since dumbbells are an option to the balls (as will be demonstrated in the new videos), I'm going to try those first. If I'm not satisfied or feel I'm missing out on some of the benefits, I'll get the medicine ball.

Hi lora-kate
I purchased my medecine ball @ fitness depot on Innes Rd in Ottawa.They are not cheap.The 3 kg is $52.00 and I find this to light so I'm getting the 5kg &7kg.I use Mindy's medecine ball training.An awesome workout.can't wait for boot camp.

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