Maybe it's my imagination but....


I had to lay off working out for a week. Before this I was doing Cathe's Weight Loss rotation and liked it very much. But I feel like since I laid off I look better. A little thinner perhaps. Now I know I do not need to stop working out, that's not it. But I wonder if maybe I should lay off so many days of cardio. Keep or add more weight days.

That rotation is quite a bit of cardio. I thought I needed that for fat loss. Help me out "educated crowd". Has anyone had the same experience? Thanks so much for the input. I really want to work smarter not harder. Sharon
i had the same experience when i had house guests and took a week and half off... I was thinking it probably was water weight possibly water that gets held when the body is stressed from all that activity..
I have no idea..
but i definately got smaller fast!
Hi, Sharon,

It has always been my experience that you have to find what works best for you. Also, I have read that if you have to choose one thing over the other, choose lifting over cardio. The more muscle you pack on the more calories your body burns at rest. More weights and less cardio might be just the thing for you. All you can do is try. If you find you miss the cardio, you can always put it back in!
I don't have an answer for you, but I sometimes feel like that when I don't work out as intensely for a while. When I'm working out very intensely every day, my muscles feel like they're always pumped, thus making me feel heavier. My husband tells me that I look better than I ever have, and I just had a baby four months ago. He says my legs don't look as meaty, and I just look slimmer overall. Prior to becoming pregnant, I would work out very intensely, a la Cathe cardio and weights, every day. During pregnancy, I walked a lot, and did a lot of Firm tapes because they were easier to modify. Now, I am doing three days of full body weight training (MIS or Firm) and three days of pure cardio. While I'm not making huge strength gains, etc., I feel lighter than when I'm working out really hard every day. That was a long answer to your question, huh?

I've just taken a week off and I feel huge! :-(
After reading some of the threads on overtraining,etc and how some people lost weight after a rest week, I was hoping I would fit that category! Obviously not! Ugh!
I must confess my clean eating has also taken a week off so that may be part of it.
Although I definitely needed the rest, this week has shown me that fitness will always need to be part of my life. Maintenance won't work without it for me. So the rest hasn't been completely wasted...I learned something new about myself! :)
And that's my point ~ everyone is different so for some that week off may allow a drop in weight, for others it may not. You won't know until you try it!
Good luck in your fitness goals!
This was supposed to be my"week off", I made it till yesterday. I couldn't take ot working out anymore. However, I felt thinner also! I did alot of walking, hiking, and biking this week, and no weights until yesterday. Maybe, I need more cardio!! Because now that I look back on my week, I was stil pretty active, just in a different way.

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

I was very curios when I read that she had suggested a weight loss rotation. I can't find it, could you be so kind as to post it here?

My experience is that I have tried once when I worked out atleast 2 hours 6 days a week that I lost when i took 2 weeks off. Another experience is that I once started getting really hooked on spinning that I did it 4 times a week very challenging classes. It wore me out so much that I didn't have strength to do weights which I had probably done 3 times a week. I really started to se bad changes in my body. No matter how hard I worked out, (cardio) I couldn't keep my weight. Now I have started lifting a lot more again and I'm much firmer, I have a very difficult time though, getting those extra pounds off again. So I would love to see her suggestion.

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

Hi Dorthe,
Cathe's recommendation is on the Ask Cathe Forum, thread #3, under the posting "How to Get In Shape For My Wedding...", dated
July 23, 01.
Or, if you want to give me your email address, I can email it to you from my own files, along with some other rotations/suggestions Cathe has posted. If you want to email me, it is [email protected].
Ruth :)
RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

Hi Ruth,

I would very much appreciate if you would send me the suggestions. It's a very interesting topic and I'm determined that I want to get back to my best shape.
My email address is [email protected]

Have you tried all the rotations? did you see results, and how fast?

I also think diet plays a mayor role, and that is probably my weak point. Not the meals, but the inbetween stuff. That can amount to too many calories.

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

Thanks for the info Ruth...I was curious myself what this was since it had been mentioned a few times. Will give it a look see... : )...

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

That in-be-tween stuff is a killer, isn't it Dorthe. Do you write down what you eat. I think it surprises us what goes into our mouths that we don't even think about. I have been reading a book called Voluntary Simplicity...and it can be applied to our eating habits as well....also something about conscious awareness....really paying attention....almost like stepping outside of yourself and taking a good objective look...interesting stuff anyway.

I think good habits build upon themselves....once we start eating well and exercising and seeing results our motivation kicks in...our weight starts to drop...and we feel so much better...and that downward spiral becomes an upward whirlwind...

And it is just great having such a good motivational group as this one. I enjoy reading the posts every morning.

Thanks to all...once again...

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

Kathleen thank you for the interesting thoughts.
I have for weeks tried to write down what I ate and I did think more about it I think.
But it's really difficult when you live with someone who loves sweets, and buys it. It it's not in the house I can easier live without it, but sometimes if it's there I just have to have it too.
And I really think that can amount to quite abit. Maybe just as much as I burn, and that is maybe why I can't seem to loose the those pounds again. Maybe also the closer you are to your goal weight the harder it becomes. the cleaner the diet.
Tough, tough.
This sure is a very motivated group, and it's great to share with others with the same interest.

RE: Please tell me what cathes weight loss rotation is

No problem,'ll find it amazingly detailed.
Dorthe, you are NOT alone on the food issue. I think everyone here is pretty committed to their workouts, or they probably wouldn't be here. But the food thing is another matter altogether. I have a slender husband who buys sweets and other horrifying/delicious things too. I worry about his general health, but do not feel I have the right to tell him what to do. But I have the same problem...if it's here, I want it!
I have tried limiting it to one bite or piece or scoop or whatever it is. Sometimes that works. Not always!
I will email you everything I have from Cathe as soon as I finish here. Hope it helps,
Ruth :)
Skinny husbands

I have a super-skinny husband and his doctor told him that as long as his cholesterol is ok, that he should eat more fat. My husband thinks this gives him the green light to eat all kinds of unhealthy fats, so we always have sweets and junk food in the house - it is so hard to resist all the time!!
RE: Me too

The same thing happened when I used to do the Firm workouts. ( Vol.1 and 2). I would stop and then people would tell me that I looked so good. I hadn't lost weight. Still don't know why.
I recently too a week off to go to Ft. Lauderdale to meet with my dissertation committee, school stuff, etc.

I lost weight too (5 pounds) and felt lighter. I figured the opposite would be the case.

I always feel soooo guilty even on the one day per week I take off for recovery.

How do the rest of you work out? Do you regularly schedule a 0ne week period of recovery?

And if so, how often?



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