May 28th, I hate cardio, always hated cardio, always will


well, I'm here. Just cuz itis a holiday weekend does not mean you get to slack. I am not slacking so no one else gets to. I am slacking tomorrow since that is the holiday and my body will know it and not be the worst for it (yeah, right).
I'm so lonely............again. Today Pyramid LB and some Turbo Jam (not a fave but there isn't much jumping and I don't want to jump)
Hey, I did Imax 2 yesterday and did some jumping, but since my knee is not quite there, I didn't do my ususal impressive one-half inch off the floor plyos, I lessened it to one-fourth inch off the floor. Still enough to make everyone say "wow" (oh, who am I kidding...this is the hate cardio group!)
Have a good day!!!!!!
Hiya, Kate, don't be lonely alone! We can be lonely together.

Today was stretch day for me, which is just what I need to start that wacky pushup challenge from tomorrow. My DOMS have substantially subsided. x( I mean uh, :7 !

Anyway, so I've got Muscle Endurance and pushups on my plate tomorrow.

Oh gawd, I know - those jumping plyo thingamabobbers. Too funny. Hey, you wanna start a Plyos Challenge? x(


Wow, that was short for me. Kinda makes me happy.
Hey Kate, tells us how you really feel about cardio!!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

I was ROTFLMAO when I saw the title for today's thread. Hey, my toes don't leave the floor on plyos so you're doing a lot better than me. My plyos are kind of an exaggerated up on your toes kind of a move--lol!

Okay girls, I can't chat today at all. I'm just on my way to brunch with my darlin' DH but thought I'd stop by here for a sec on the way. No cardio for me today but I do have Total Body Sculpting. I will NEVER divulge my personal stats for weight and measurements because a girl needs to have her secrets, but I have reached my FIRST weight loss goal. I have 3 more goal points on the way to my final, ultimate goal. I feel really happy about that. I'm losing about 1/2 to 1 lb a week and it serves me well., NO!!!! No plyo challenge--lol! I think I'm going to add a stretch to my work out today. My low back is a little stiff. So, are you celebrating Memorial Day weekend in Japan?

You gals have a good one. I'll try to stop by tomorrow but I ain't promisin'

yeah, cardio really stinks! Icky icky icky. I compare it to stepping in dog doodoo. What fun!
August, you are so funny. I read the push up thread.
On to the store to buy junk food for a bar-b-que. I am sooo committed to good health.
And I am going to lose 15 pounds this summer starting with today. Oh goody, no goodies. I am crying!

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