Maximum Intensity Strength/Cardio


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-01 AT 11:23PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello!

I am a new mother, my daughter is 5 months old, and a former consistent FIRM user. About 6 months prior to becoming pregnant, I used Vol 3,4,5,6 approx. 4-5 days/week.

I am beginning to get back into an exercise program and I'm finding it difficult to motivate myself to use the FIRM. I am wondering if the MIS/MIC tapes would be more motiviating.

I would like to see quick results (weight loss + definition). I am not coordinated at ALL! So I'm looking for simple routines when it comes to aerobics, especially with a step.

I would really like to see noticeable definition in my abs, arms and legs. I never really achieved this with my FIRM tapes.

Any input would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Hi, Ronni!
Well, I would say yes to MIS, and please realize that if you don't have a barbell, you can certainly do this weight workout with dumbells, and if and when you want to go for the barbell, you can find them pretty cheap at kmart.
As for MIC, I am not a huge fan of this tape, though others certainly are. I can't do all the impact of the hi-lo section (the first 10-15 minutes are lower impact and modifiable), and I'm just not crazy about the choreography--but that may be good for you, since you say you aren't coordinated. the choreography is not very complex, though it is pretty speedy and high impact.
The step portion is one of Cathe's easier ones in my opinion, as far as choreography goes. It is pretty high intensity, but I enjoy other tapes more.
Bodymax is extremely tough, but really the choreography isn't terribly hard to catch on to. It is a long tape, but you can break it up into a step segment, a circuit segment (cardio alternating with leg work), and an upper body weights segment. I really love this tape!!!!
Also, I am a big supporter of trying step tapes WITHOUT the step first. It is easier to catch on to the choreography when you are not gasping for breath (which you probably will be the first time you try Cathe!).
One more thing: We all want to see quick results, and though Cathe is an incredible instructor, she is not a miracle worker! ;-) Slow and steady wins the race, and that seems to be the best way to go with weight loss, too! Definition comes to different people at different rates...
If its motivation you're looking for, you WILL find it with Cathe. She is so great!

Good luck, and let us know what you decide on!
Congratulations, Ronni. I hope things are going smoothly with your new daughter. I also did Firm tapes 4-5 days/week and never quite saw improvement. When I switched to Cathe tapes (3mos ago) I immediately saw improvement. My first tape was PS Legs& Abs. I was so thrilled with the results I followed up with MIS and Step Fit. Since then I've pretty much bought all of the tapes. So, to answer part of your question, yes you will immediately see results. As far as MIS/MIC for a combo...super but keep in mind that MIC is VERY fast paced. It might not be the best choice for a first tape and I'd hate for you to get discouraged. I would recommend Step Fit which is a great "beginner" Cathe in that you can pick up the moves easily but it's still intense. You should really think about getting 5 tapes. Take a look at the order page. With the quantity/shipping discounts it's really a super're going to wind up buying more anyway.:)
Hi Ronni,

I think both MIS and MIC are great Cathe videos to start with. I, too, am a former Firm user. I loved the firm because like you, I felt I was VERY uncoordinated. And I avoided Cathe for a long time because of all the different reviews I had read about her choreography being somewhat complex. My first Cathe workouts were the Pure Strength Series which got me totally hooked for many reasons, like the fact that she's so likeable, her workouts are extremely challenging, and THEY BRING RESULTS! I saw some results with the Firm, but they were very limited. Anyway, after enjoying the PS series so much, I really wanted to try her cardio and I bought MIC. It really made me remember how much I loved stepping. The choreography is not extremely challenging as long as you're patient and mentally break the moves down. After a few workouts you get the hang of it and no matter how much you do it, it never gets boring. MIS is an incredible total body workout that is very easy to adapt to your schedule. Go ahead and try them. Before you know it, you'll be hooked like the rest of us. Good luck!

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