Maximum Intensity Strength and Pure Strength Series

Hi, I am a little confused on something. This is hard for me to explain. Ok in the Pure Strength Series it says in the Collage Video Catalogue that the results are significant, visible, body changes (not just minor toning). Which of course is what I want. I guess I always thought that it would be better to do like the Maximum Intensity Strength 3 days a week with doing the upper and lower all at one time rather than certain body parts like the Pure Strength Series alternating them each day. I am not sure if you get what I mean. Is it a matter of the Pure Strength Series taking much longer on each video and doing each one only what once or twice a week being better than doing the full body one 3 times a week. I guess I thought that doing the Maximum 3 times a week would get better results but the information in the Collage Video makes it sound like the Pure Strenght Series is the ultimate. LOL. Sorry so long. Trying to explain and not sure if I did it very well.
Changing your routine

Both of these tapes produce fine results, however, you should always change your routines around to continue your progress. Thats why I recommend doing about three weeks of MIS and then switch over to three weeks of Pure Strength tapes. But I will say that if I had to compare which video most thoroughly works each body part then it would obviously be the Pure Strength tapes. (in which they should since these tapes cover all of the body parts over the course of three separate(40 to 60 min.) tapes, unlike MIS which covers all of the body parts on one 75 min. tape). But if you are an avid lifter, I say use both tapes in your workout rotation. Remember, muscles feed on constant stimulation so you'll need to change your routine around every 3 to 6 weeks to keep them stimulated.

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