"Maternal Fitness" and Tupler Technique?


New Member
Does anyone have experience with the book "Maternal Fitness: Preparing for the Marathon of Labor" by Julie Tupler? The book was recommended by a friend, but I haven't been able to get a hold of a copy to browse through. The book received 4.5 stars at Amazon. It sounds interesting, but I don't want to buy another book if the books I already have are just as good. I have serveral books that cover abdominal breathing, stregthening and relaxation (Exercising Through the Childbearing Year, Positive Pregnancy Fitness, Fit to Deliver, Active Birth...). I guess I'm wondering if the Tupler Technique is unique in any way?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-01 AT 09:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Christine,

Judging from the list of perinatal fitness books that you already own, my advice to you is to save your money. Your library is more than complete! Although the Maternal Fitness book is highly rated, I think that the books that you have are equal to or superior to the Tupler one.

Happy reading!

Sheila Watkins

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