Massachusetts Cathe Fans?


Although I'm not technically from Massachusetts, my father grew up in Gloucester and got his undergrad degree at Boston University, and I feel like Massachusetts in general and Gloucester in particular are my spiritual home touchstones. Went out there for Christmas this past winter and got homesick all over again. Have my poster (that I took myself) of The Fisherman's Memorial here in my office.

Any Mass-Cathe-ites out there? Please check in! Where do you live and is living there as much fun as it has always seemed?

Hi! Yes, I am a Massachusetts Cathe-ite! I live about 1 hour from Boston in a small town called Webster although I grew up in the city of Worcester (which is the 2nd largest city in MA ). As for being *fun*, well, it all depends what part of MA you are in. Shopping is good i.e., the Outlets, Cape Cod, etc... but personally for me, I don't enjoy the harsh cold winters here. I must say though, nothing beats a New England foilage. Absolutely beautiful in the fall! I think if I were to move to another part of the States, I would miss this for sure.

My father is also from that area (Gloucester and Beverly), although I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. My parents and my DH and I are going out there this August to visit. DH has never been there.

I know you asked for members from there, but thought I would chime in that I too have the same situation and often long to live there myself.

Hi, A-Jock--

I've lived in the Boston area my whole life; grew up in Dorchester (part of Boston) and now live in Quincy, which is just outside of Boston heading towards the South Shore. I love being in an urban area. I can't imagine living somewhere where there aren't a million things to do. It's also great to live near the ocean; I can't imagine not seeing it and being near it all the time. However, the older I get and the more I travel to other climates, I must admit that the cold winters thrill me less and less. My husband and I always say that if we didn't have all our family here, we would definitely find somewhere warmer to live! Although the changing seasons are nice; the spring and fall can be beautiful, and I do love the summer.

By the way, I've never been to Gloucester, but I believe it's one of the more beautiful areas of the state!

"O give me the town of Boston,
Home of the Bean and the Cod,
Where the Cabots talk only to Lowells
And the Lowells talk only to God."

I love that pome!

Thanks, Massettes! Keep it comin'!

My 19 yr old daughter, who thanks to me, is a Cathe fan, is at Boston University, and will be a sophomore next year. Her boyfriend just graduated from Emerson College, also in Boston. I go up there once in September to take her up and once in May to bring her back.

I'm thinking of moving to New England myself for a job which may be materializing up there. Then, I'll be a Massachusetts Cathe fan too. I am looking forward to the winter, since currently I am stuck in NC summer.

Since the locals have pretty much decimated all the cod, they will be relying more and more on the bean. }(

Since Logan is concerned about the overpopulation of rodents in Boston, I'll also do what I can to support the weasels in the area.
I was born and raised in Springfield, but have lived in California for the past 10 years. I consider MA my home. Love the Red Sox, detest the Lakers, & proud NE Patriots fan! I'd love to move back to the east coast. People just seem more down to earth and honest than the flakes I have come across here in CA.

How nice to have a thread about my state of birth! I lived in Medford, 7 miles north of Boston until I was 35 - now I live in Upstate New York. I got three degrees in Boston - the city is the abundant in education, music, culture, beauty etc.
I spent time in Gloucester and Rockport and absolutely love the Cape. I visit often.:)
OOOH! I love Rockport! We use to spend many vacations there! That town brings back such great memories when I was a kid. :)

Hi there!

In my 40s have lived in MA since college. I HATE the winters. Really like the town I live in west of Boston - Natick/Wellesley area.
Boston is a great city, though I dont get in that much. Nice areas for hiking NH is great. Some nice -bbbbrrr - cold beaches. Cranes is my favorite.

Funny not many folks move here - let us know if you move up to MA.

If I had the finances I d have 2 homes one in the Candian Rockies - Jasper - my favorit place in the world and perhaps a place down south for the colder months. But alas no funds for that!! Depends where my kids settle (my daughter is heading to college in AUgust and son is a freshman)... time will tell!
Hello A-jocke!

:* :* :* :* :*
I'm from Massachoosits, too!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I have to share my terriffic fitness adventure with you! I literely ran around the entire state. (It's not all that big ya know!)

Next time your out, let me know and we'll do it together. IF you can keep up that is . . .

Have a cod-eatin' day!!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
I am originally from Minnesota, but I have taught at Williams College in the Berkshires since 1972, so I call Massachusetts home now. Williamstown is wonderful year-round, but during the summer, there's Jacob's Pillow, Tanglewood, a first rate summer theater, a lot of events at the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Adams. I also teach at the number one liberal arts college (according to US News and World Report, anyway), and during the school year, there's a lot of activities to enjoy. Too bad we have such a bad governor! I really still feel like a democrat with socialist leanings (a Humphrey DFLer) from Minnesota--not a real yankee.
Garance - your Mitt Romney can't hold a candle to the little pi$$ant weasel we have in the guvna's mansion now - one Tim Pawlenty, who is IMHO the worst thing to happen to Minnesota since the deer tick. Humphrey AND Wellstone are rolling over in their respective Lakewood Cemetery graves these days at what is happening here.

Sounds like you have an idyllic berth there in MassTown! I'm envious!

Hi A-jock,

I just got my new computer today, logged in and saw this thread. I was born in Boston and have lived approximately 30 miles away from there all my life. I live in Taunton, MA now, but have lived in Easton, Mansfield (where I work), and Norton. Mansfield has the famouse Tweeter center concert venue. It's always easy to get there, but I don't go much.

I love Cape Cod, especially the lower cape, husband and I go there quite often to browse the shops and restaurents. I also like going in to Boston to shop at Copley plaza, Fanuiel Hall and eat at the North End. My girlfriends and I take the train from Mansfield every January and spend the day there.

It is truly a nice place to live, however, like everyone else has gets pretty cold here in the winter. We say it every year "why do we still live here! If it weren't for the family we would move south", then spring comes and we forget about it for a while.

I have been to Rockport, but not for ages, it has probably changed a bit. I'll have to make a trip there again sometimes.

Thanks for the thread idea! :D
Hi There!
I grew up in Brockton, but now live on Cape Cod, right near the Cape Cod Canal. I usually like it here - the Canal bike path is my favorite place to go rollerblading - but the tourists in the summer make my life a bit harder...and stressful! Especially the ones who don't know how to drive on a Rotary! x(

p.s. Lobstah is wicked awesome! :9
Hi I live in Massachusetts too. I live just outside of Boston in Winthrop. I love Massachusetts. My favorite place is Cape Cod my husband and I go there every summer. We are renting a house in Eastham this August. We travel all the time and think that the beaches of Cape Cod's National Seashore are just as beautiful as some of the beaches we have have visited in Hawaii and the Carribean.

So - I guess we have to have a Cathe workout part on the Cape!
Garance -I teach right over the boarder in NY. I have some students at Williams right now.
What a small world. This summer, I will look for those chicks tough enough to make it through Bootcamp! I just did it for the first time yesterday and am feeling like a tough chick!
By the way, it's much colder in upstate NY than it is in Boston. To think I used to complain about the winters! I guess we need the strength to make it through the shovelling.;-)
Hey Tracy,

My father is from Winthrop and my relatives used to all live there on Cutler street. My cousins and I used to walk to the "crest" all the time. I must admit, the Cape beaches are nicer (warmer too). That was all about 40 years ago......memories.

I'm from MA too! but the forgotten side of the state - western Ma. Chicopee to be exact. It seems the bulk of the thread is from the eastern side. :(

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