March of the Penguins


I went to see this movie a few days ago and it was so cute! I keep thinking about it. It's truly amazing what Emperor penguins go through for their babies and the bond they share with their mate. I highly recommend seeing it but would warn against bringing young kids, its very much a documentary and the young kids around me were cleary very bored early on. I'd say kids over 8 would enjoy it. It is short 1.5 hours or so, so a matinee would be a better bet.
Thank you for the review. My hubby and me were thinking of taking our 4 and 5 year olds to see this movie, but didn't because we thought it would be only penguins marching all the time. (That is what the preview shows. LOL)
We have this in our queue at Netflix. We're really looking foward to see it.
Susan C.M.
I saw this movie also. I agree, very cute and intersting. I brought my 13yr.old son, and have to say he got a little bit bored towards the middle-end. Just something to keep in mind if you bring kids.
My husband took our daughter, who will be four in a few weeks, to see it. They both told me how good it was so I decided I'd go. My daughter wanted to go with me and she explained to me here and there what was going on. They were cute. The penguins and my dd. :)
I agree with you on the little kids. I went to a matinee with a lot of children under 6, and they were frequently asking questions like "What are they doing?" and "Why are they doing that?" and "What happened to the baby?" and "Where does the egg come from?" The answers to these questions are not always uncomplicated or appropriate to answer, and Morgan Freeman's voiceover is not all that helpful to a 3-year-old, and, finally, there's a lot of "nature red in tooth and claw"--mother penguins eaten by leopard seals, father penguins falling over dead from the cold and starvation, mother penguins trying to steal eggs and babies from other mothers, baby penguins being harassed by albatross predators. I liked the film, but would have liked it a whole lot more without the very young kids, who became easily bored with the marching back and forth and did not know what was going on much of the time.
This is a GREAT movie! Took my kids who are 8 and 10 and they loved it.

I agree that younger children probably don't have the attention span to sit through this movie.
I also loved the movie. I find penguins fascintating. SO and I went and he even liked it! I can't wait until it comes out on DVD to see the stuff on how they filmed it.


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