Mar 31 Lower Body Rotation


Hi Ladies,

How is everyone doing? I did KPC and L&G premix last night. The 82 minute one. Had a great workout and used my weighted gloves for part of it.

It is beautiful here in Utah the past couple of days, so it will be a run for me tonight somehow. My son has a soccer game and pictures tonight. Maybe I will run at lunch or leave a little early from work..

I agree, we have a great group here.

Are you all still considering the freestyle approach after another month of this lower body rotation?

Have a great day and workout!!

I am not sure if I will go to the Freestyle Rotation with you or not. I probably will not, but I will still check in?? Maybe the next one I will join in. I just got all of the Firm Classics on Ebay. I won them, and Standing Legs. After I finish this, I am going to do those for a couple of weeks, just for a change, (albeit an easier one), and then I might continue with this again.

Yesterday I was walking down our hallway, and I have a mirrored Curio cabinet at the end of it, and I could see that my hips definitely look smaller. I am happy. Next Monday morning I will start Week 5, and I will take my measurements.

Today is L&G. What a killer!!!! Have a good day everyone!!!!
Hi Ladies,

How’s everyone this lovely Wednesday morning, I’m good ;o) especially after Imax 2 last night.

Beverly, what do you mean by freestyle? Details please, Thanks.

Lori you’re doing good. Doesn’t it feel good to feel and see results.

Good morning :)

I did PUB this morning and will do interval running at lunchtime. Love PUB! My arms feel like Jello, but I know the results will come quickly.

With regard to the Freestyle Training, I plan on riding this bus as long as I continue to see improvements. So far, so good. I'm sure if I were cleaner with my diet, then I would be in better shape. But, alas the lure of the chocolate bar is too strong. ;)

Keep fighting the good fight girls.

Have a great day!

- Shopgirl
Good Morning!

This morning was about 1/2 hour of L&G and then Chest, Triceps and Biceps of PUB. I still haven't worked up to the 12, 15 and 20 Cathe uses for biceps. I'm at 10, 12 and 15. Even at that my biceps are fried. I'm finding they are the weakest of my upper body muscles.
I decided to go for the L&G twice a week and this morning was an abbreviated version for me. I will go for the Extreme on Sunday.
Tomorrow is rest but I'll probably do about 20 minutes abs in the a.m.

I'm up for the Freestyle.

I really enjoy checking in with you guys! Talk to you tomorrow.
Evening Ladies,

What a day today, can someone say *STRESS* I’ll be glad when this day is over.

Tonight, PUB & Abs. With all the stress from my job today I really wouldn’t mind doing a cardio. I shall see, once I get home. Have a great day!

Good Morning....Yesterday I did TS #5, and did many of the parts twice. My legs really feel it today. Today I am going to do TS#3 cardio, and PS UB. I really want to do this rotation another 4 weeks. I HAVE NEVER lasted 4 weeks on any rotation, I am impressed with myself. I do tend to get bored, so that is why yesterday I did TS #5 instead of L&G's, just a little change. I have been rotating my UB workouts between PP, PS, and PUB. I also did C&W last Sat. instead of SJP. So, I am really liking this and having you guys to check in with has been awesome!!!!!
Got on the scale this morning and I've lost 10 pounds! April Fools!
I WISH!!!!!!!!

This morning was 20 minutes of Abs. I did all Abs from ME and the BC Core only premix. I also did a couple minutes of one of the CTX abs selections. I will be sore tomorrow but it was FUN!

I think I will do KP&C tomorrow.

Have a great April 1!
Good one Candi!!!! :D

Last night was a 7.5 mile run... It was awesome. 77 degrees and a breeze. Tonight it will be IMAX 2 and PUB or PP two sets upper body.

I am going to stay on this rotation for the month of April and try to do L&G twice most of the weeks.

I enjoy checking in with your guys too. This has been a fun rotation and I have been substituting some workouts too.

Well, have a great day and workout!!!

Hi Everybody!

I switched my workout plan this morning and did L&G which I really felt because my legs were sore from yesterday's run. Tomorrow will probably be another run and then IMAX2 and then PLB or Boot Camp on Saturday.

I broke out the tape measure this morning and have lost a bit (1/4" - average) all over. I was hoping for more, but my diet hasn't been the cleanest. I try, but I cheat with a cookie now and then. Despite the cheats though, I haven't been eating much (probably less than 1200 calories per day), so I'm thinking I'll go back to my one free day a week and up my caloric intake and maybe that will accelerate things. My workouts have been tough, with double workouts at least twice a week, so I don't think that is the problem.

Anybody who wants to weigh in on this, would be most welcome because I am stumped as to what to do.


- Shopgirl :)
Just my opinion....I would eat more. For all the working out that you are doing, 1200 calories is not very much. I would at least eat 1500-1600 a day. Anyone else???

It really depends. I think age has something to do with it and only because that's my personal experience. I stay around 1200 during the week with weekends being approx 1400-1600. I tried uping my calories a few months ago and I gained but I think perimenopause and being 49 years old is the culprit for me because I used to eat more calories and could maintain very well.

I would CERTAINLY try it, like I did. I tried for approximately six weeks before I realized it just wasn't working for me. The calories should probably be in the form of lean protein to build muscle. I'm no expert, but those are my thoughts and experiences. Also, drinking lots of water.

The calorie staggering seems to work well for a lot of people on this site so maybe give that a try too.
Thanks ladies. I will turn 39 in June (GULP!) and this past year I have really noticed a change in my weight - don't know if that is due to my age or what. Interesting that you should bring up calorie staggering because I have been following that post. I don't know anything about it. I was tinkering with joining Weight Watchers, but don't know if they would take me just to lose 5 pounds. Do you guys think one is a better method over the other? I am horrible at the diet thing.

- Shopgirl
I don't want to sound vague, even though I know it will, but I believe eating 6 small meals a day, being sure you have protein at least 4 of them, stop eating at least 2 hours before going to bed and drinking plenty of water should do it.

Keep track of your calorie intake (although it sounds like you already do). Here is a really good website I refer to a lot.

Many people on this site use FITDAY to keep track. I may do it someday but haven't tried it yet.

It's interesting you're 39. I started experiencing my mid life weight gain at about 42.

Hang in there girl cause you've got a lot of experimenting to do. It's been said, 'It's a journey, not a race'. You'll get there.
Thanks Candi. Your advice is great.

This getting old sucks. Why can't my journey be taking me to "Supermodel-ville" instead of "Saddlebag-hill" }( arrrgh.

I knew I could count on you girls for good ideas and support.


- Shopgirl :D
It doesn't suck, really! We just have to work a little harder.

Can you tell I've already been through the 5 steps of grieving (for my lost youth) and made it all the way to acceptance? There are many advantages, as well. You'll see!
Hi Ladies,

Last night when I got home I was pooped. So, I decided to do Step Intervals oppose to doing PUB. After I finished Step Intervals, I immediately took a hot bath, prepared my lunch and was in bed by 10:30.

Tonight, I’m going to do MIS & Abs instead of PUB.

Could someone tell about the freestyle rotation, that you guys are doing after this one?

Wow Beverly.. I'm jealous weather has been HORRIBLE in MA. COLD and rainy and windy.. yuck!

I love this rotation too. I am going to do another month of it for sure. I've been doing KPC, L&G, Imax or Imax2, PUB, PUL, SJP, SS or PP.

I know what you guys mean.. I feel SO OLD.. I've been fighting in for ages.. and sigh.. realize it is catching up - YUCK...

Well PP today.
Morning, ladies:

This morning was cardio and I did something a bit different. I did the cardio conditioning premix of KPC and then added about 20 minutes of SPJ Hi/Lo plus weights. Loved it!

Tomorrow is more cardio so I will be doing IMAX. Sunday I'm going to shoot for L&G extreme.

Shopgirl - Saw your posts about diet. Let us know what your final calorie plan is. I'm curious and I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for you.

As far as the Freestyle, I'm going to need Beverly's help here but I believe it's four to six days of leg work for 20 minutes, alternating the type of leg exercises each time, plus two days of upper body with three days of cardio for 20-30 minutes. I'll look up the website and more of rcook's posts. She has been doing this rotatio for about two months now and is really pleased. I read she added running for her cardio and went on a really low calorie diet though. It looked to me like it was between 800-1000 calories. I don't think I could survive on that.

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