Mar 24 Lower Body Rotation


Hi Ladies,

I hope you guys don't mind that I am always starting this thread.. You guys feel free to get it started if you want..

Well, I did a 6.5 mile run last night and PLB floor work. I am feeling really good. I have had 3 people tell me I look thinner in the past 2 days. That feels good.

Shopgirl, I am down a pound or two also. I also feel tighter.

I have tried to cut back on the chocolate a little and I think that is helping me see more positive results..

How is everyone else doing?

Have a great workout everyone!!!

KPC for me tonight, probably the 82 min premix that includes L&G.

I was just going to add that I am going to try out my weighted gloves with KPC tonight. I will probably only use them through the intermediate cardio.

Hi everyone,

Did PLB and PUB (pressed for time so only pyramid up on upper body) this morning. Plan to do SPJ hi/lo tomorrow and abs. If I have time, I thought I'd do some of the leg work on SPJ but go real light.

I am also noticing my legs are appearing more firm especially in my hamstrings. My hip flexors are becoming more defined. I haven't dropped any weight but I haven't changed my eating.

I am very, very pleased.
Hello Ladies,

You guys are awesome. Today, I’m thinking or should I say needing a rest day. I woke up at 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep. My first thought was to call off work, then I said to myself nope you’ve better go in, I’m pooped.

I have worked out 9 days straight. Altho, I really hate to take a rest day, cuz it will mess up the rest of my week.

But, anyhow, I’ll see how it goes after work today, if I find some energy I’m doing Floor Burn & Step Intervals. I too am noticing some firmness and look like my thighs are getting toned. Last night I previewed Bodywork, and all I could say was Dam!! That’s a toughie, but it look so much fun! Well back to work. Have a great day all…

Hello everyone.....I did L&G today, 70 minutes worth. I kinda do my own Extreme, I pick and choose what excercises I would like to do twice!!!! Believe me, the explosive lunges is not on the list!!!! The only thing I think I have noticed is my hips do look a little smaller. I have not measured. i am doing my third week right now. After I finish this week, I may measure, if not, after 4 for sure. Take care, and TeddyGirl, enjoy your rest day!!!!!!
Hi :)

I did L&G too today, but not 70 minutes worth (way to go Lori!). Those explosive lunges just kill me. Tonight I'll do some abs to finish it off.

I just finished running for 30 minutes on the treadmill at lunch and feel pretty good. Think I will break out the tape after week 4 as well. I really like this rotation. Wonder how long you can stay on it, or what would be a good maintenance version of it? Thoughts anyone ...

Tomorrow is IMAX2 and more ab work.

Stay strong everybody!

~ Shopgirl :)
Today is Ub for me. I will do 1/2 of one on the Imaxes, maybe 1 for a change. I think I will either do MIS or PS UB, just for a change from PUB, although I love that workout.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi Ladies,

I had a great workout last night. I did the KPC cardio conditioning premix with my weighted gloves. They were just what I needed to kick it up a notch. Then I did the 50 minute premix of Kick Box and High step circuit. It took me about 75 minutes total for both of these. I skipped the stretch on the first premix and the warm up on the second premix. I got the whole KPC workout in plus the 2 sets of leg presses in L&G 3 times.. I felt great!!!

I think it will be a run tonight and BC core work.

How long is everyone else going to stay on this rotation? I am on week 4 and I was think 8 weeks, but if I am still seeing results I am going to do it 12 weeks.

Have a great day and workout!!!

Checking in with you ladies everyday and seeing what everyone else is doing keeps me motivated and positive.


Wow, Beverly. That sounds like quite a workout. I've been thinking about weighted gloves myself.

This morning I did the cardio conditioning premix selection of KPC and then tacked on BC cardio. Also did BC core work. Lots of fun and my legs are feeling really strong.

Tomorrow will be IMAX and L&G because we are going out of town for our 4th wedding anniverary, which is today. Won't have the opportunity to work out Saturday or Sunday.

I was contemplating how long I was going to stay on the rotation. I will stay on for 12 weeks also, if that's what you guys want to do because so far, I'm liking the results.

Last night when I got home, I immediately put on my workout clothes took a few vitamins and had mad energy through the roof. And yes, I did Step Intervals & Floor Burn. I love Step Intervals and the music really get me pump.

I stepped on the scale this morning and haven’t lost any weight, why? Even tho I am firming and toning. Is it because I’m strength training with *heavy* weights? My diet has been clean only a few pieces of candies here and there. Will the scale eventually move? Or should I just ignore the scale all together?

To tell the truth I really don’t know what my beginning weight was when we started the challenge. I just know that the scale is still in the scary zone for me. Who knows maybe I’m just gaining muscles.

Anyways, I’m going to change up or should I say add a few different tapes on next week rotation. Thinking about adding more cardio such as Boot Camp and Bodywork. Talk to you girls later.

Ladies, I have been thinking since my last post. I have decided to really clean up my diet in order to lose the weight. I have decided to record everything I put in me big MOUTH <g> Just to see what’s really happening with my diet I know….I know I should’ve been recording all along.

Right now, I do (try to) a week: 2 UB, 2 LB, 4 Abs and 3 cardio a week. Which I think is okay just maybe I should work Legs & upper only once a week, adding more cardio 5 or 6 days a week. I think I’m going to try this for the next few weeks just too see what happen.

I don’t know.....what do you guys think about this? Or should I continue with current rotation for the next 2 weeks before changing up. thanks.

Tonight, is Abs & Muscle Endurance


I don't think you should change up your rotation yet. Give it a little more time and try to clean up the diet a little. I know the little bit of cleaning up I did is really starting to show now. I was discouraged the first 2-3 weeks because I felt like nothing was happening, but now I am starting to see results.

The other ladies might have some better advice..

I agree with Beverly.

Watch the eating, stay with your original workout plan. I keep reading here that eating is 80% of the approach. I know from experience that it's also the hardest thing to change but we're with ya all the way!
I agree with Beverly and Candi. I think the eating part is HUGE in relation to our results.

My diet isn't the cleanest (hello - this morning 1/2 a blueberry muffin with butter - ugh!) but I'm doing the salad-thing for lunch, protein shake for a snack, and then chicken and vegetables for dinner. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the exercising is the easy fun part, it's the diet that kills me everytime.

This morning I did IMAX2 and a Firm 5 day ab segment. Tomorrow is PUB and a run. I am going to stay with this rotation for 12 weeks. I do legs 4 days a week - (somedays solely legs with L&G and PLB) the other 2 days are usually ME and Boot Camp (so I get my upper body workouts in). Fill in the rest with cardio. So, for example, this week looked like this:

Mon - ME (worked both upper and legs), lunchtime run - (for cardio/fat burning and legs)
Tues - KPC (I think of this as part cardio, part legs)
Wed - L&G and lunchtime run (cardio and legs)
Thurs - IMAX2 and abs (cardio/fat burning)
Fri - PUB (upper body and abs) and lunchtime run (cardio/fat burning & legs)
Sat - Boot Camp (total body)

I think this is close to the Freestyle training idea and so far it's working.

Hang in there!

- Shopgirl
Hi everyone,
Wed was a rest day for me- playing in the park with my kids for some active rest. I was working Tues night and was up all night and find it really tough to focus enough to get a good workout in the day after.
Today, Thursday, I did bootcamp, I just love that workout. Those squat thrust climbers kill me every time!
Shopgirl, I like your rotation with the focus on legs but not doing weight work 2 days in a row. I am sure working out twice per days really adds to calorie burning.
I am going to try your rotation next week ( minus the lunchtime runs- maybe I can do a brisk walk instead).
Thank you!

It all started when I hopped on that ole scale this morning. I shouldn’t, because the scale is not my friend, especially when I am lifting heavy. You guys are absolutely right, I’m going to continue as planned. But, more cardio,like Bootcamp and Bodyworks to mix things up a bit.

Shopgirl, I really like your rotation, cardio everyday, you should see good results from that. I’m going to follow in your foot steps ;o) I really like the way you work those legs. Nice!!!

Beverly & Candi, right you both are. This is only my 3rd week and the results that I am seeing thus far are nice. For instance, my form is much better when during my workouts, I can feel and see my muscles are much toner, my thighs are looking smaller (less cellulite)<g> and my pants are not as tight on my thighs. After all it’s going to take time and work, right.

If you guys don’t mind me posting my meals for a few weeks. Your comments will mean much to me. My guy claims I eat to much of the same things and that I need to change up I’m know expert

Here’s today:
m1: 1c bran cereal, banana, 1c ff milk & 6 wheat crackers with peanut butter
m2: yogurt & ¼ ground flax
m3: broiled chicken breast, with asparagus & sm apple (which is my lunch, I always eat it at 4:30 every day)
m4: after workout…protein shake & orange

Well, ladies back to work I go. I really appreciate you guys.


Far be it from me to criticize anyone's eating because I am not an angel. I looked over your meals and they look healthy. I also eat a lot of the same stuff but it's because I really like it!

Most of the ready I've done says to spread your meals out to a quantity of six times per day. Has something to do with keeping the metabolism revved up. I like eating that way cause if I eat a lot at any one meal I tend to feel sluggish.

Do you think you're getting enough calories, especially protein calories. Some of the ladies on this site swear that upping the calories helped them lose weight. For me, it did not. I don't know if it's because I'm in my late forties and starting peri-menopause but I suspect it may be. I have to stay between 1200 - 1400 calories or up goes the scale, no matter what I do.

I eat sort of like this from M-F. The weekends vary but I try not to let it get out of hand. I'll also enjoy some wine or something on the weekends also (but not too much, of course!)

M1 1/4 to 1/2 cup plain oatmeal with a scoop protein powder.
M2 1 cup grapes or some other fruit
M3 Chicken (or Tuna) salad with approx 6 oz chicken, spring salad mix, a few croutons and a handful of grape tomatoes. I use Balsamic vinegar as dressing.
M4 A large apple
M5 Some lean meat or fish, and a huge serving of microwaved frozen vegetables.
M6 1/2 cup of ff cottage cheese with no sugar added jelly and splenda and a handful of nuts (pistachios, almonds, whatever)

Now, Miss Beverly is the one who lost some weight so she's probably the girl with the answers.
Hi Ladies,

I really am not good at the diet part. If I had to list what I ate in a day you guys would fall off your chairs. I have just cut way back on the junk and increased the good healthy foods. I always eat everything in moderation, but the sweets are what is keeping me from what I really want to see. So, I cut back and I noticed a change very quickly... I had to go to bed last night instead of eating my usual choc peanuts or cup of ice cream... but when I woke up and felt good it was worth it..

We can do this guys!!!

Good Morning girls. Yesterday I did 1/2 of Imax 2, and PS UB. WOW!!!!! I have not done that set in awhile, and my UB is sore, a GOOD sore though. I really enjoyed that workout. Today is KPC. I eat clean all day, and at night, I have a bowl of WW's MooseTracks. I am going to start cutting it in half, and eating less of it. I have been sticking to my workouts, and counting my points, but the scale is not moving much.

Have a good day everyone!!!!!
Hi guys,

I just wanted too thank you all for your input and comments. I really appreciated it. Last night, after work, I put on my workout clothes ready to do ME. After about 30 minutes or so, while doing a few chores around my home. I realized how tired I was and decided to rest and rest I did, while viewing Bodyworks again <g>. I wanted to re-watch it so I could attempt this workout soon. When I was resting I was thinking about my diet, I viewed some past journals. And what I found out was that I’m not *nearly* drinking as much water as I should to flush fat.

So, today I re-started my commitment to water and green tea. So daily I’ll be drinking 64 oz of water and 32 oz of green tea. I did this once before and my weight was falling off of me.

Today’s workout: Abs & Muscle Endurance.

M1: 4 egg whites, 2 slices of lite whole wheat bread, 1c ff milk & 1 tbsp of ff syrup
M2: 2 oz of tuna , grape tomatoes, hot peppers & sm apple
M3: yogurt & 15 almonds
M4: bake fish & broccoli
M5: protein drink (boosts) what do you think of this protein drink
M6: tbsp peanut butter & 6 wheat crackers & ½ c unsweetened apple sauce


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