

I wanted to find out what you all do for maintenance. Specifically, I was wondering how many calories/day and how much exercise/day. Also, what type of rotation per week--weights, cardio, yoga, etc.

I know everyone will be different, but I'd like to hear your responses.


Carol F
Good question - I have an idea of what to do to lose the weight Not I need to know what to do to maintain it once I get where I wantt o be!

That is a good question. I worry about maintainence too. has a good tool to determine your caloric needs to maintain a certain weight.

I pretty much eat 1800-2000 calories per day, 5-6 days per week. One day I usually eat whatever I want and don't worry about it.

I try to workout 4-5 days per week, usually 1 or 2 cardio, 2 AWT, & 1 weights only. In the summer I try to get outside and walk a couple times per week.

Thanks for your replies. I really appreciate it! I'm still experimenting to see what works for me, and it helps to have some ideas.

Carol F
Until I became pregnant I had basically been maintaining the same weight for a year or two (I'm hoping Cathe will help me get below that weight though after the baby comes!;))...I didn't have any real maintenence PLAN going...I was just careful...I exercised 5-6 days per week and still watched what I ate but was just wasn't as strict with it and I got on the scale every once in a while to check up on myself.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I think it will vary for everyone because everyone's metabolism, desired weight to maintain and lean body mass composition is different. For me, I am 5'7" and have been holding at 131 lbs with a calorie consumption on average of 2300-2600 calories/day and about 8 hours exercise/week..including strength and cardio. Since I have no intention of being in a maintainance mode for strength ( I intend and do increase my weights regularly)I am anticipating that I will drop some pounds from my body weight or I will need to add some calories/day to maintain it.

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