M&F HERS Latest Issue....


I just purchased the latest issue of Muscle&Fitness Hers (light blue cover) and it contains what I think is a pretty decent 8 week workout routine that I'm going to give a try. I'm kind of getting in a slump with my rotations (no offense Cathe, just desperately awaiting some new tapes...maybe a total body split in a pyramid format, hint, hint). Most of the exercise selections involve machines at the gym so I'm going to sit down tonight and put together a list of dumbell/barbell equivalent exercises and over the next few weeks, I'm going to play around with the amount of weight I think I'll need for each and the best way to pair up the exercises to limit the amount of times I need to change weight plates etc. Sounds like alot of prep time, but this is exactly what I need...something to focus all this energy on while I await my new Cathe's.

:) Stacy
Hi Stacy,
I have it too, great issue . That eight week program does look great what really interested me was the diet part they had some great tips. Also, did you see Laura Mak's leg routine? she has some great legs I would kill to have those thighs(LOL). Good luck with the program.

I tried the 100 rep workout that they had in there on my LB this morning. My legs were like jell-o trying to get up the stairs. I really liked it, I am going to see if it trims down my lower body like Timea says it does!!! I hope so!!
Hey Stacy!

I just got my new issue in the mail yesterday and read it cover-to-cover of course! I also am toying with the idea of doing the 8 week plan - but I have all these Cathe DVD's I don't want to put away! But maybe after 8 weeks I will be ready to come back to them a lot fresher. I also wondered about substituting the exercises for a home workout. I think I will take another look at the plan - you have inspired me! If I decide to do it we can compare notes on what exercises we are doing.

The eating plan will be hard for me because #1 I have no idea how many calories I currently consume, or need to consume; #2 I have 2 small children (1.5 and 2.5 yrs!) so it is almost impossible for me to have time to plan or even cook decent meals. I just try to eat small portions of our meals, plus a couple of snacks of cottage cheese and yogurt to get the protein, and drink lots of water (although right now I am drinking an iced coffee LOL!)

Good luck, and let me know how it goes for you!
Hi again Stacy,
I read through the program and I am going to do it, starting this Sunday! :) I don't think it will be hard to substitute home exercises for the gym ones.

I will continue trying to eat healthy but let me know if you have any good pointers that you are going to follow!

You'll have to let me know your progress...I dont plan on starting until mid May b/c I have alot of out of town trips, etc before that. I'd love to compare notes though. I already have a list of 3-4 exercises for each body part that I'm going to do. Have fun!!

:) Stacy
Hey Guys, I started the eight week plan on sunday! For my circuit training workouts this week I am going to do Power Hour and MIS instead, because I did the circuit at the gym on Sunday and it was too easy. I really love it for the nutritional info.
If I say I am doing this for 8 weeks it will be a lot easier for me to eat better, and avoid those after dinner treats!
I am a member of a gym, but I see no reason whatsover why you couldn't do this at home. Two years ago they had a somewhat similiar 3 month workout plan and I followed it a little, and that is when I worked out at home with Cathe. Besides, it is too hard to circuit train and superset at the gym, because people will hop on the machines you need as soon as you get off.
I was thinking of starting a check-in for this 8 week program.
What do you all think?
I'd love to do a check-in. How about if we do it at the end of each week, like on Fridays or Saturdays so we can post how our week went?

I'm excited to start this - and it's even more fun when you know others are doing it too!

:) Candice
Hey Candice,

I noticed you said you didn't know how many calories you eat or need. I really recommend going to fitday.com
It is a bit of a pain to enter in everything you eat but it really, really helps you see how much you are eating.
It also shows you the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbs.
I have been entering my food since Sunday, it'll will help me make sure I stay on track on the food side of the plan. (which is my main issue)
Also, a Saturday check-in sounds great!

hey guys!

You have me SOOO interested in reading the 8week routine. Do you get a subscription?

I dont see it any where? What stores carry it? No luck here.

Thx. I did see that I could get it online but I dont want to have to wait!

...also at some stores Ive seen the magazine set apart from all the other women's fitness magazines, cant remember which category but maybe it was in the Sports magazine section so make sure you really look around.

Just wanted to let you guys know I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience with this. I love M&F Hers!

I just started this plan last Sunday. I'm modifying it so I can do a combination of home and gym workouts. Here is what I plan to do for the strength workout during the first 4 weeks:

Week 1 - Circuit training:
Workout 1: Firm Tough Tape + Firm Sculpted Buns, Hips & Thighs
Workout 2: Firm Super Sculpt
Workout 3: Firm Tough Tape 2 + Firm Vol.5 (floorwork)

Week 2 - Heavy:
Workout 1: S&H (Back, Biceps)
Workout 2: S&H (Legs)+ ab work on stability ball
Workout 3: S&H (Chest, Triceps)
Workout 4: S&H (Legs, Shoulders) + ab work on stability ball

Week 3 - High reps
Workout 1: Leaner Legs
Workout 2: CTX and PH (Biceps, Triceps)
Workout 3: CTX and PH (Chest, Back)
Workout 4: CTX and PH (Shoulders) + Body Max (abs)

Week 4 - Supersets
All workouts at the gym, working the recommended muscle groups.

I plan to use a variety of tapes (step, kickbox, hi/lo) and gym equipment (elliptical trainer, treadmill, stepmill, recumbent bike) for the cardio and to do yoga for flexibility training. I'm really psyched about this :)
Hi. I'm glad I'm not the only one planning ahead. I sat down last night and made up a workout schedule for the first 4 weeks as well. I think I'll just include the first week's 3 Circuit routines here or else I'd be typing all night!! I decided to try and vary the exercises I did for each body part for each of the 3 circuit days. Also I didnt incorporate abs into the circuit. I'm just going to add a Cathe ab workout at the very end.



Back: bent over barbell row
Chest: dumbell chest fly
Quads: barbell squats
Hams: leg curls (Bowflex or one legged leg curl with ankle wt)
Bicep: hammer curls
Tricep: lying french press
Delts: Arnold press


Back: one arm dumbell row
Chest: barbell chest press
Quads: Static lunges
Hams: pelvic/ham lifts (?) (like Cathe does at the end of the floor section of PS legs, not sure the name of the exercise)
Bicep: barbell curl
Tricep: overhead press
Delts: front raise


Back: lying lat pullover (like in S&H)
Chest: push ups
Quads: plie squats
Hams: dead lifts
Bicep: concentration curls
Tricep: cross body kickbacks
Delts: side lateral raise

I have the advantage of having 2 barbells which I'll keep loaded with different weights but I really tried to spread out the barbell exercises over these 3 circuits to minimize the changing of weight plates.

:) Stacy
Hello! I just joined this forum BECAUSE of this Thread! I belong to several other forums and have been excited about this workout, and I started it this week also. I was hoping to join in a check in if possible. Are you starting a check in. Im a horrible slacker and need all the support and motivation I can get!
Yeah, I think we agreed to do a check-in on Saturdays.
By the way, did you guys notice that it said in the food article relating to the program that to lose weight we should be taking in 11 calories per pound? That seems a little low. What do you guys think?
Hi Stacy! I have the latest issue too and am thinking of trying it. Looked interesting and it definitely wouldn't be boring. I'm on a PS rotation now but I think starting Sat. I'll switch to this one. Would you like to compare notes? Let me know, Kathy

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