Lunch suggestions?


Hi everyome,

I am having a hard time with lunches right now. I am a SAHM, so I don't need things that I could pack or whatever, but I'm just getting tired of turkey and pb&j sandwiches. I really want more protein at lunch, but I don't want to cook a huge meal. I don't have a huge budget either, so I have to be frugal. Does anyone have good recipes w/tuna - like ones that take the flavor of the tuna away :) Is it okay to eat tuna while nursing? I'm not a cheese or egg fan, so that eliminates those as options. Thanks!

Hi Emily,
No suggestions for you, but I definitely know what you are going through - I never could figure out what to eat for lunch. I started eating raisin bran with milk every day and that works for me.
This isn't tuna (as a vegan, I'm not much help there, but...sometimes when I'm in a hurry for lunch, I throw together a can of salad beans(I forget which brand it is, but there is a natural foods brand that has 3 different kinds of beans)maybe some other vegies (like corn or red pepper) and some dressing, then toss them into some packaged chopped lettuce. You can also just eat them without the lettuce for a higher protein %. I also have made a quick black bean salad with canned black beans (or black soybeans, or a mixture of black beans/soybeans and kidney beans), corn, and chunky salsa that I put in a strainer so I just get the chunky parts (and save the juicy stuff to throw in water when I cook rice.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-01 AT 08:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Emily,

I am also a SAHM on a budget trying to eat protein with every meal so I definitely know where you are coming from. I have been told by people that don't like tuna much that the way I make it is very good and not fishy. My secrets are first to add ALOT of lemon juice (as much as you can without making it watery). This helps cut the fishy flavor and also lets you keep the amount of mayo you use down. I also add alot of dill and some onion powder and ground pepper. Hopefully this will help you like it more.

Here are some other things I can suggest for lunch. Cottege cheese (very high in protein and calcium which is good for nursing and not expensive). You can buy a whole chicken cut it into pieces and just bake it in the evening with a little olive oil salt and pepper and have it for lunch for a few days or even cut it up and throw it in a salad. Sometimes if I haven't had a smoothie for breakfast I will have one for lunch. I make extra meatballs for my dinners and freeze them then I can grab a couple and have them for lunch. Turkey burgers are pretty inexpensive and easy to do. Hummus with veggies to dip in it is also a good source of protein and fiber. I also make soup often for dinner and there is so much that I can have it for lunch for a few days after.

I hope maybe this helps some!

Alison :)
Try mixing your tuna with mustard instead of mayo. I also am a HUGE fan of cottage cheese. In my area, there is this brand called Breakstone that has a portion of cottage cheese and a portion of fruit that you mix before eating. YUM YUM

I have also been known to grill 20-30 chicken breasts in one day and use them in a variety of things the next few days. Grilled chicken salad, grilled chicken with salsa wrapped in a tortilla, grilled chicken slices on top of a baked potato. I've eaten chicken any way it could be eaten. I have even been known to eat tuna for breakfast, frequently!

Another thing I used a lot when really working on weight loss was turkey and pork bbq. Now I know you think I've lost my mind, but we have a bbq store in the neighborhood and they bbq turkey breasts every day. Their pork is pork tenderloin and has all the fat trimmed off. They have a vinegar-based sauce. You don't even feel like you're dieting, but I did limit this to a once-a-week treat.

My other favorite lunch is LEAN CUISINE PEPPORONI PIZZA!!!!!!!
My husband likes tuna with basalmic vinegar in a tortilla. I eat yogurt as a protein source. There's a brand called Continental which has no added sugar. It's tart but good! I like extra firm tofu cooked with chopped garlic in a little olive oil and a touch of soy sauce over a salad and beans are a great source as mentioned before. Mashed with a little garlic, onion and cilantro or some other herb, wrapped in a tortilla or pita, beans make a great filling meal!

When you make chicken breast or lean red meat for your family as an evening meal, prepare a little extra and save it for the next days lunch. Throw it on a salad or some pasta. Also have you considered egg whites since you don't like eggs? The whites are pretty bland so add a touch of onion, peppers tomatoes, a touch of cheese....
This is making me hungry !

There are endless possibilities! Good luck!
Here's a suggestion for taking away the fishy taste from canned tuna. Pour the tuna from the can into a sieve and wash it several times with cold water. That a a sprinkle of lemon juice really help.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-01 AT 09:10AM (Est)[/font][p]Because you are breastfeeding, you might want to limit the amount of tuna you eat. I have read that there are high levels of mercury in canned tuna fish and that we should limit it in particular during pregnacy and lactation. I hope this helps (and not scares) you. Maybe only once or twice a week? Cindy

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