Lowering 1RM


Has anyone lowered their 1RM amounts after doing a week or so of STS? I think some of them were a bit too heavy once I got into a full workout--I couldn't get through half or 3/4 of the exercise. So I adjusted them in workout manager so I have something more manageable for the rest of the series. Enough to challenge me and get through all reps, with the last couple of reps being still challenging to finish. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same.

My biggest challenge is having my arms wear out from holding weights during the leg segements--way before my legs do!!
My one rep max estimates have all been correct. I even increased the weight if I did not feel near failure by the last few reps. I think that you are doing the right thing if you still feel challenged by the end of the exercise. Maybe in the following week you can try the exercise again at the one rep max that you originally estimated. Each week i have slightly increased the weight.
I have only had to lower my 1RM for some lower body work, usually because my heart rate would sky rocket. I can't believe how incredibly well the 1 RM worked for upper body work . . . pretty much a well studied science.

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