Ok, yeah, it is me again, with another overuse injury question..
I have this really annoying problem with my lower legs. Down towards my ankle on the inner portion of my leg (yes, near the shin bone) I have this pain that apparantly gets worse regardless of whether I am running OR stepping.
I can palpate my legs in this area (runs about 2 inches in length) and it feels really bruised...almost like someone whacked me there with a nightstick..
The problem I have is..this keeps occuring!!! My body should be used to running, stepping, IMAX, cardiokicks, but my stupid body keeps complaining in that area!!!!
The pain is kindof around my ankle and I have noticed lately that after sitting for a long time and then getting up my ankles kinda give out, like I can't bear weight on them for a few seconds.
I just hate talking about overuse injuries cuz I know there is no cure, and I know....RICE..blah...blah..but I am NOT A BEGGINNER anymore so I would really like to know when this ends!!! I mean, if I don't know what it is, how can I work to strengthen it?? Seems like it is maybe tendon inflammation, because I know it is not a muscle.
ANYBODY hear me on this one??? This overuse injury is not just from running, it is from Cathe stepping too, so anyone care to comment?? Guesses at what it could be??
If I "take it easy" for a few days, yeah, it gets better, but as soon as I do Circuit Max ONCE, it is back. Please HELP!!
I want to pay attention to my body, but I clearly cannot understand why this keeps happening when I work out 5-6 times per week and should be used to it by now. AND it is NOT my shoes. I have all new shoes..when I went to the doc many months ago for this, they took X-rays that showed nothing and she gave me anti-inflammmatories. Is that all the hope there is???
Desperate for an answer,
I have this really annoying problem with my lower legs. Down towards my ankle on the inner portion of my leg (yes, near the shin bone) I have this pain that apparantly gets worse regardless of whether I am running OR stepping.
I can palpate my legs in this area (runs about 2 inches in length) and it feels really bruised...almost like someone whacked me there with a nightstick..
The problem I have is..this keeps occuring!!! My body should be used to running, stepping, IMAX, cardiokicks, but my stupid body keeps complaining in that area!!!!
The pain is kindof around my ankle and I have noticed lately that after sitting for a long time and then getting up my ankles kinda give out, like I can't bear weight on them for a few seconds.
I just hate talking about overuse injuries cuz I know there is no cure, and I know....RICE..blah...blah..but I am NOT A BEGGINNER anymore so I would really like to know when this ends!!! I mean, if I don't know what it is, how can I work to strengthen it?? Seems like it is maybe tendon inflammation, because I know it is not a muscle.
ANYBODY hear me on this one??? This overuse injury is not just from running, it is from Cathe stepping too, so anyone care to comment?? Guesses at what it could be??
If I "take it easy" for a few days, yeah, it gets better, but as soon as I do Circuit Max ONCE, it is back. Please HELP!!
I want to pay attention to my body, but I clearly cannot understand why this keeps happening when I work out 5-6 times per week and should be used to it by now. AND it is NOT my shoes. I have all new shoes..when I went to the doc many months ago for this, they took X-rays that showed nothing and she gave me anti-inflammmatories. Is that all the hope there is???
Desperate for an answer,