Lower body workouts = I'm tired all day!


Is this normal?

I'm not a beginner exerciser, but I have been (unintentionally) a start 'n' stopper. At the end of March I started working out again after months of nothing. I did about a week's worth of workouts, then family visited and I stopped again for 1 1/2 weeks, and then this morning I did Legs & Glutes. And it's left me shuffling about today feeling dazed and fried. Duuuuuhhhhh...just slow...tired...could somebody else cook dinner please...could the kids just put themselves to bed tonight (no)...

It's happened before: I do a legs workout and then I'm sluggish for the rest of the day. Doesn't happen after upper body. Is this just a Starting-Up-Again phenomena? Or does doing lower body typically "take it out" of people? Will I be able to handle this better as I get stronger? Encouragement?

I don't even know if "take it out" is an expression, my mind is so dulled at the moment. Tired. I meant--sacked out--or sapped? Sapped of energy? Sacked? Sapped? UGH!

Did you eat a healthy meal afterwards? I definitely think working out can make you sore and tired until your body adjusts to a new routine or to working out. Also, you may want to start out with less intense workouts and gradually work your way up to longer, more intense workouts. Good luck!
Are you right before your period? If so, that could really effect your recovery and your energy levels.
GS legs is a REALLY tough workout. It usually takes me 4 days to recover from it, so I just stopped doing it. If I ever do it again it will be slowly and only a premix at a time. I hate having bad DOMS, it just throws off my whole routine.

I am always more slow to move the day AND day or two after a leg workout. So, I try to do it the last day of my week before rest day. The problem with this is, I end up dreading it the whole week. Melissa
Leg workouts suck! There, I said it.

I don't mind DOMS in my upper body, but when it hits the legs it's so hard to get on with your activities of daily living, isn't it? Every step, every squat, every time you sit down you're reminded of what you did to get you in that awful condition in the first place. You just don't want to go back there! If it only lasted a day it would be one thing, but leg DOMS goes on for days!

In all seriousness, a proper post workout diet could help with the fatigue. If it's hard to figure out what to eat then consider a recovery drink. Now that I drink one I see a big difference in my energy level after grueling workouts like Cathe's.

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