Is this normal?
I'm not a beginner exerciser, but I have been (unintentionally) a start 'n' stopper. At the end of March I started working out again after months of nothing. I did about a week's worth of workouts, then family visited and I stopped again for 1 1/2 weeks, and then this morning I did Legs & Glutes. And it's left me shuffling about today feeling dazed and fried. Duuuuuhhhhh...just slow...tired...could somebody else cook dinner please...could the kids just put themselves to bed tonight (no)...
It's happened before: I do a legs workout and then I'm sluggish for the rest of the day. Doesn't happen after upper body. Is this just a Starting-Up-Again phenomena? Or does doing lower body typically "take it out" of people? Will I be able to handle this better as I get stronger? Encouragement?
I don't even know if "take it out" is an expression, my mind is so dulled at the moment. Tired. I meant--sacked out--or sapped? Sapped of energy? Sacked? Sapped? UGH!
I'm not a beginner exerciser, but I have been (unintentionally) a start 'n' stopper. At the end of March I started working out again after months of nothing. I did about a week's worth of workouts, then family visited and I stopped again for 1 1/2 weeks, and then this morning I did Legs & Glutes. And it's left me shuffling about today feeling dazed and fried. Duuuuuhhhhh...just slow...tired...could somebody else cook dinner please...could the kids just put themselves to bed tonight (no)...
It's happened before: I do a legs workout and then I'm sluggish for the rest of the day. Doesn't happen after upper body. Is this just a Starting-Up-Again phenomena? Or does doing lower body typically "take it out" of people? Will I be able to handle this better as I get stronger? Encouragement?
I don't even know if "take it out" is an expression, my mind is so dulled at the moment. Tired. I meant--sacked out--or sapped? Sapped of energy? Sacked? Sapped? UGH!