Low Sodium


Hi - I received news that my blood work showed low sodium and I wondered if any health gurus out there could give me some suggestions - Gatorade? I really don't sweat that much when I work out and hydrate, just water. Dr appointment next week to get the full details, also low white blood cells but that has happened before and wasn't that abnormal unless it has changed significantly.

Any comments would be appreciated.

When you sweat you don't just lose water, you also lose sodium and all of the other salts in your body. I would suggest adding iodized salt to your food. I think its interesting that your white blood cell count is low. I wonder what is causing that.
Hi - I received news that my blood work showed low sodium and I wondered if any health gurus out there could give me some suggestions - Gatorade? I really don't sweat that much when I work out and hydrate, just water. Dr appointment next week to get the full details, also low white blood cells but that has happened before and wasn't that abnormal unless it has changed significantly.

Any comments would be appreciated.


I received the same news recently and my Dr. told me to drink gatorade. I was surprised when I was reading the ingredients of gatorade to find that it contains high fructose corn syrup. So I dug around for a natural replacement and came up with this recipe.

3/4 t sea salt 1/2 t backing soda 4 t cream of tarter (or eat 2 bananas for potassium) 1T sugar 1 liter of water optional: 1T orange juice or 2t lemon juice

As an aside, I was researching what causes low sodium (as this was the 2nd consecutive time it came up on my results) and I found low thyroid can also cause this. My same report shows that my T3 isn't being converted by my T4 causing hypothyrodism. You might want to have yours checked as well if you are showing symptoms. (low energy, hair loss, unexplained weight gain/loss etc.)

Cliff sells a drink that is like Gatorade but without the HFCS and artificial colors. It is clear and I really like it. Whole Foods had it on sale this weekend for $1 a bottle. It's also 88% organic. It contains Filtered Water, organic cane juice, citric acid, salt, natural flavors, magnesium lactate, potassium phosphate.
Thanks to all of your responses - will find out tomorrow what dr says, report back, and go from there.

ultima replinisher


I use ultima replinisher instead of gatorade
It comes in several flavors.



I received the same news recently and my Dr. told me to drink gatorade. I was surprised when I was reading the ingredients of gatorade to find that it contains high fructose corn syrup. So I dug around for a natural replacement and came up with this recipe.

3/4 t sea salt 1/2 t backing soda 4 t cream of tarter (or eat 2 bananas for potassium) 1T sugar 1 liter of water optional: 1T orange juice or 2t lemon juice

As an aside, I was researching what causes low sodium (as this was the 2nd consecutive time it came up on my results) and I found low thyroid can also cause this. My same report shows that my T3 isn't being converted by my T4 causing hypothyrodism. You might want to have yours checked as well if you are showing symptoms. (low energy, hair loss, unexplained weight gain/loss etc.)

Didn't get much info today other than the low numbers were not that bad and to have a recheck in Sept. and got a B12 shot to boost my energy. Dr did not like the idea of Gatorade for the sodium so I found a retailer on the ultima replinisher site here in town (thanks, Cindy) and will take a ride down there tomorrow.


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