Low Max...

I guess you could becase you get cardio and toning. But don't you think you would become bored with it soon after?
Whenever I do this workout I think to myself...I should do this every day or at least every other. Then I snap back into reality and think YEAH RIGHT!!!! Do you remember how much it hurts???? LOL!

It would probably give you great results, but I agree you might get bored.


Shouldn't you not because it focuses on the legs so much and you are supposed to rest them between workouts? Or are you only doing the step portions?
I know what you mean, Teddygirl!! For a long time, I had this in my "once a week" rotation, on Thursdays. I have gotten a little tired of it (heck, I was doing it every Thursday since getting in January!) but it's still a favorite stand-by!

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