Low Max


Hi Everyone,
I recently ordered the Low Max DVD and am very fond of it. Ever since I had back surgery for a herniated disk I have had to revaluate how I exercise and high impact just is not good for me anymore.

Are ther any other similar format Cahte work outs you all can recommend? I have modified alot of my older Cathe work outs by reducing the step height but she has so many new products and workouts that I thought I would consult here first. I especially like the focus on the lower body and the fun choreography!

Thank you,
You could always preorder her new low impact circut, I know I'm REALLY excitied for that one. You can't beat the preorder prices! As far as others, I just modify when needed (I'm pregnant so I don't do the jumping or subsitute easier moves.)

Low Impact Circuit DVD:

An advanced, 60 minute, high intensity, low impact workout that alternates cycles of weight training with fun and effective step aerobics. A step as well as handweights will be used in this workout (equipment and content subject to slight change if necessary).

Good luck in your fitness!

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