Low Impact?


I just went in for my eight week check yesterday and my nurse told me to keep the aerobics to low impact. Yikes! That my be hard to do with Cathe, ya know! I don't want to give up my favorite tapes for the next 7 months, did your docs say the same thing? Or do you guys just try to modify Cathes workouts?
OH, and Maggie, I just wanted to add that I read your post and God only gives you what you can handle. You must be a very special, wonderful person, because that is what it takes I feel to raise a special needs child. I know the anxiety a bit, my son has type 1 diabetes, and I find myself praying that the next will just be a healthy baby that doesn't have diabetes. And once again, I know that it doesn't mean that the child that you already have that with special needs isn't the most precious, beautiful child. Because they are, but you always want your child to have everything, including great health!
Did you ask the nurse why she suggested low impact aerobics? I'm just curious. Is there a medical reason for her recommendation, or does she generally caution on the side of low impact? There are different philosophies, and hers may just be low impact activities only.

I'm lucky, my dr is in full support of my exercise regimen & has not told me that I do NOT need to modify a thing, unless I feel I need too. There are situations in which modification or low impact only is warranted though.

It's nice that you had an appt at 8 weeks. My ob didn't schedule my 1st appt until I was 15 weeks!!!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I too would have been interested in your nurse's reasoning.

Just wanted to add my two cents in..... I usually tell clients that they can maintain their modes of cardio (intensity and impact) if:

1) They can do so with their kegels engaged. That means with your pelvic floor contracted while you are performing the activity. Not too easy late in pregnancy, but possible for some women.

2) They can perform the "Talk test" (2 - 5 words) while performing the activity.

2) They are pain free while performing the activity and the day after!

Hope this helps.


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness
Thanks for your kind words, Kathy. I feel a lot less anxious this week. It just seems to come and go.

As far as your exercising is concerned, I think Melanie gave a great response. Is this recommendation because they are concerned about you specifically or do they just recommend this to everyone? My pregnancy "packet" recommends low impact stuff and also light weights. I lift as heavy as I can. I have always listened to my body. I have had to modify the cardio as my pregancy has progressed. I use a 4" step and I don't do any jumping. I have also had to stop using tapes that use more fancy footwork, like Rythmic Step. I have found it pretty easy to substitute high impact power moves with lower impact alternatives and still end up on the same foot. Actually, there are very few Cathe cardio tapes that I can do even modified at this point in my pregnancy, because I just can't move as fast. But then again, I didn't start out my pregnancy in as good shape as many of you. Oh dear, rambling again:p ...

Keep us posted
due 2 weeks and 3 days
I didn't ask her why she felt that I needed to go to low impact. The visit was pretty general, she just asked me my medical history, and took a urine sample and blood sample. Nothing special. I didn't think to ask why she felt I should do low impact. I think I'll ask the doctor when I see him at 13 weeks. Maybe he can shed some light. But I think for now I am just going to do what feels good. Today, to be honest, low impact for the most part felt good, but I was using an 8" step to make up for it! Thank you all for your insight, I truely appreciate it.
I moved and switched doctors during my pregnancy. My original doctor told me listen to my body. My new doctor told me to keep it to low impact, but I was almost 5 months along. He said due to possibly hurting the baby. I did switch to low impact at this time. My first trimester I didn't modify anything. I now take tapes that are easy to modify low and have kept my step at 6 inches.

Due 9/21/03

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