Low impact substitiution idea


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-02 AT 06:46PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-02 AT 06:44 PM (Est)[/font]

Hello, all:

Here's something I discovered yesterday while doing IMAX for the first time since coming off back surgery in December: since I really have to watch how much and what kind of imopact I do (and I know I've seen others post about the same limitations) when an interval came along that was too bouncy, I took the legs down to low impact and put kickbixing arm drills in for the upper body.
I got a similar intensity to what I used to get with IMAX in my leaping days, and didn't have to sacrifice the benefit of working in intervals.

Maybe next time I'll try it with 1-2 lb. wrist weights (for the blasts only). I hope others find this useful; I felt like I'd invented sliced bread because I was missing IMAX so much. Please post if you have any other ideas like this, or to let me know if this worked for you. Thanks.


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