Low impact/Hi intensity workouts


Does anyone out there have some good suggestions for low impact/high intensity workouts? (My knees are dicey so I don't want any other step videos, and I already have an extensive collection.) I have all of Christi Taylor's (love her), Kari Anderson's, most of Janis Saffell's, and just got all 3 Powerstrike Milennium Series. (Also have several Firms, all of Cathe, The Works to name a few.) I'm a little disappointed in Powerstrike--the tempo is so fast that I have trouble keeping form and getting height on kicks, and I've been kickboxing for several years. I've only done them once through so maybe I'll get better with more use. Don't really like the first one much, but the other two were okay.

I like dancy workouts with do-able complex choreography and great music and good kickbox videos. I started out doing Charlene's TV show years ago, but I haven't gotten one of her videos for several years. The choreography was mostly basic and I tended to get bored with them after I found Kari Anderson and Christi Taylor and, of course, Cathe, but maybe I should try one of Charlene's newer ones.

I would like some input on ballet workouts, too. I've been looking in Collage, but those workouts didn't get great reviews.

I've made some boo-boos in the past--Billy Blanks' Tae Bo, Urban Tai Chi and G-Force come to mind, if that gives you some idea of what I like. I

I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!
Hey ds...sorry I can not be more help, but I do have a quick question for you...in an effort to try to lean out a little bit I am trying to get three step workouts in a week....I am kinda a slow learner, but I just bought a kari anderson tape....bodytech I believe. Is it going to be do able for me with the two left feet?? I just wanted to try something different, although I was afraid I would be dissappointed with anybody else after Cathe. I do not mind a challenge...I just want it to be fun!! And I would love to see any other responses to this, cause my knees are showing their almost 39 years and some days a lower impact, but killer workout would be great, then I could save Cathe for the days that I feel ready to take on the world...thanks all! Donna.
I got Body Tech a short time back, but I've only done it once. Even if you're choreographically challenged, Kari is an excellent instructor but it still may take you a couple of times through to get it. For myself, that's okay--it gives me something to work for. Besides, I like Kari's (and Christi Taylor's) dancy style on some days and Cathe's more athletic style on others. I wouldn't describe any of Kari's workouts as "killer" though.

I would suggest, if you're having knee issues, that you try something besides a step workout for lower impact days. I'd do step 6 days a week if my knees would allow. One 60-minute step and one or two shorter step workouts per week is the most I can get out of my knees, and sometimes that's pushin' it. That's why I'm looking for killer non-step workouts. I want that advanced-level high without the hopping and bouncing--and knee crunching. And that's also why I'd love Cathe to create the ultimate hi intensity/low impact workout.

Until then, I'm searching for worthy substitutes . . .
I'm searching too, for the same reason. I'd like these knee to last as long as the rest on me. limiting step does help. But , I haven't found a substitute yet. People have suggested swimming, but it doesn't fit into my schedule. In the mean time I supplement with treadmill walking (interval workouts & steady state) and bike workouts. I'll post if I find anything else out.


May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
Thanks ds...now I am looking forward to getting that tape! Judy...I have been searching and searching and I just can not find anything that is low impact with the same intensity as Cathe that looks like fun. Though you can only get so much from that one minute blurb on college...and I hate all cardio, I just find the step tolerable, okay, maybe a bit more fun that that...maybe once the weather warms up for good I can get the bike back outside. I'll keep looking around for us...take care and have a great day! Donna.
Thanks Donna. Lets keep in touch on this. BTW I tried Cardio Kicks this morning and it is a big no no for me now. My knee really aches!!
I had to take 2 Aleve.
Do you take gulcosamine /condroiden? I just started a week or so ago. No change yet. I notice the biggest improvement when I eliminate step and now kickboxing. (boo hoo!)
I think Charlene Prickett's floor tapes are what you're looking for. They are about as intense as you can get and stay low impact. The problem is that she only has three long tapes (four if you count the one with 2 shorter workouts). If I really work hard I can get my heartrate up as high as with Cathe.

Low Impact, High Intensity
Start Your Engines
Cruisin' Altitude
Oxygen In Calories Out (2 half hour workouts)

She also has some half and half tapes that contain 30 minutes of low impact and 30 minutes of toning. I believe you can also buy all of her low impact TV shows as a group.
Thanks for the input. I may just give Charlene another go around. I already have Low Impact, High Intensity and Start Your Engines and had thought about getting the other two when she had her sale on a while back. I waited and ordered the 3 Powerstrikes instead.

I also don't do the whole Cardio Kicks any longer, but I still like to add the intensity drills on to other kickboxing workouts.

I've taken glucosamine/chondroitin on and off since last June. On-- from June through November until I had another series of Synvisc shots. Stopped for a while, then I started again in January. I do think they help, but you'll probably have to take them for a few weeks before you see a difference. Also take 2 prescription naprosyn a day. My prescription ran out so I didn't take them for about a week, and I could really feel it. Bad knees are the pits.
Another thing to consider is racewalking. You can really get your heartrate up with this type of training. Do a web search on racewalking and you will find lots of infomation.
I used to do a lot of walking, but I've never race walked before. A guy I knew from ballroom dancing used to teach it at the University, but I never got off my duff and took his class. It's worth a try.

Also, today I received an email newsletter from Collage. Donna Read (CIA) has a new aerobics tape/DVD out: Hi/Lo to the Max. Has anyone out there done a Donna Read workout or possibly done the new one?? The only thing I know about Donna Read is that Christi Taylor's web site promoted her last CIA videos, and I love Christi.

Thanks for all the comments.

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