Low Impact Boot Camp


I'll apologize in advance if this has been suggested before, but I would love to see a Low Impact Boot Camp (with cardio just as intense as the blasts in Low Max) but not one airjack, tuck jump, heel jack, forward/backward jump, power scissor etc. in the whole routine.

I did the Body Max 2 boot camp premix and can handle that (loved it BTW) but the original Boot Camp workout one is out of my league--knee wise. Thanks for creating such terrific workouts!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I like this idea!

I also love the BMax 2 boot camp premix!

If (and I hope "when") another bootcamp workout is made, I'd love to see the corework during the main portion of the workout be standing (maybe incorporating a med ball...which would also be good to use for high-intensity drills with low impact) and not have floor abs until perhaps the end. I always do the original Bootcamp as "all but core" followed by "core only" because I don't like getting up and down so much during the actual workout.
Oooooooh! Very much like the idea of standing core for the ab portion of the low impact boot camp! I know what you mean about the up/down stuff. (In the BM2 boot camp, sometimes I really don't WANT to get up again! LOL!) Some standing medicine ball corework would be great too--I know someone else suggested a standing corework dvd.
Keeping my fingers crossed!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Absolutely love these ideas!


The idea is to die young as late as possible



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