Low impact beginner(for now) recommendations?


New Member

I know this question has probably been asked lots of times, but I'm getting confused with all these names.

I really like step and learned about cathe from another forum. Would love to try a DVD or two of hers.

I would like something low-impact for now. Thinking of getting BASIC STEP+BODY FUSION to begin!

Now, what kind of other DVDs should I think of getting to get a nice mix of things? Keep in mind, I can't/won't really jump (ie can't really do HIIT). I've messed my knees up too many times.

Any help would be much appreciated!!
I cannot say enough about Basic step/Body Fuson!! Basic was my very 1st dvd and I was hooked! Its very easy to follow ( it took me 3 tries to get it mastered) and when I did, I was so happy!! then, I began the BF and was just as happy with that one! I HIGHLY recommend them :)

After those, I started using cardio and weights, low impact step, & power hr. I just added Butts and guts to my rotation and am getting ready to purchase the STS series! I am now on my 3rd month of Cathe dvd's! As you can see, it has become an addiction :) :)
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