low fat or fat free salad dressing


Hi everyone,
I was wondering if you would help me find some low fat or non fat salad dressing. I love salad. I usually have lettuce, tomato, green pepper, carrots and grilled chicken. I really can't stand the taste of fat free dressings. The ones I have tried are horrible. Ranch especially. I have found two that I do like and they are Kraft lite cumber ranch and lite Western. Will you share some of your choices that happen to be good for low or non fat.
Thanks All,
I really like Annie's Naturals Low-fat Gingerly Dressing. Makes a super marinade for chicken or fish too. It's 40 calories/2 tablespoons and I think 1 gm of fat. If you enjoy fresh ginger, you will love this. I think the name's cute too :)

I agree with you, the lo-fat ranch dressing are horrible, and they are loaded with preservatives and unnatural chemical ingredients

Have you tried the "Kraft Free" line of fat free dressings? I love them all, especially the Italian and Catalina, and their Honey Dijon is decent also.
I like the "Just 2 Good" ones-- by Kraft I think. I like the Thousand Island and the Italian Paremesan Basil (or something like that).
HEY! Oh, I eat salad every day with lunch... I have maybe 8 different dressings in my fridge for variety, all of which are low or non fat. Annie's Naturals... she makes at least 20 different kinds. My favorite is her no-fat organic yogurt dressing with dill. It is SO good! Also her low-fat gingerly vinegarette is good... her roasted bell pepper is lowfat and DELICIOUS! I find it at Whole Foods and a few are offered at Supertarget. Also, Brianna's offers a great Santa Fe blend that is fat free, 15 cals/2 T. It's VERY good. I find this at the regular grocery store. Hope this helps some. I've also heard good things about Kraft's LIGHT DONE RIGHT but haven't tried them. They are made with healthful oils so might be worth checking out. Keep me posted on what you find! Good luck!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-02 AT 01:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I love Italian dressing and creamy Italian and Russian, but the low cal creamy dressings IMHO are gross :-tired
But I found one low fat dressing I like: Ken's Lite Italian. Also I sometimes just put some Rice Vinegar in my salads or tuna and it tastes great!! :9
Would you consider....

A little taragon, salad, or apple cider vinegar and 1-2tsp. extra virgin olive oil? That is the most scrumptious stuff on salads...I promise! My husband won't put anything else on his salads since I started putting that on his salads for him!! It is wonderful!

RE: Would you consider....

Second on the FF Kraft Catalina, it's inexpensive and good. I also like Ken's Steakhouse Tomato basil (FF).

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