Low Carb Diets


Does anyone know if there is any literature out there on possible health risks associated with very low carb diets? For about the last 4 months I've been eating very low carbs and lately I've been feeling dizzy and week. Not sure if it's related to diet, just wondering.

I remember from physiology classes that glucose is the only fuel that red blood cells and neurons (nervous system) can use. (They don't have mitochondria, where the Krebs cycle and cellular respiration take place). I believe this is why Atkins doesn't recommend eliminating carbs from the diet altogether or staying on induction for more than 2 weeks.

It seems to me that if your carb intake is so low that these cells aren't getting what they need, that could produce the symptoms you describe. Until lately, your liver probably had enough reserves to supply their needs.

I also remember reading about someone who thought if low is good, less is better and wound up hospitalized with major problems from eating too few carbs (less than Atkins induction levels). If your carb levels are in this range, I would increase them, at least a little, and see if that helps.


Thanks very much for your thoughts. I'm going to check out the link that Kathryn provided.


BTW is your last name Luna?

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