Loved the book


I just wanted to thank the person who mentioned the book "Girl with a Pearl Earring". I just finished it and it was super! I couldn't put it down. It was so interesting and such great writing. Thanks again. Off to the library today to get a book off of Clare's list.

RE: Books

Hi Clare,
I just got back from the library and I took out "The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing" and " The Bone People". I don't know which one I should read first.

Oh my gosh I have to butt in to tell you that I love that book as well. Have you read Tracy Chavelier's second novel? The title escapes me. I haven't but man her first book was wonderful. I write (crap) in my spare time and am always astonished at people who can tell a good story and tell it well. We both use the same language. Why can't I string together words like she can?
RE: Books

I just finished Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing. It was quick, and funny! Great to take to work because it's written in little snippets.
I, too, got the Bone People from the library, and also, 2 other books. Oh which one first?

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