Lost *spoiler*



Did you all see the preview for next week? Is it Charlie do ya think on the ship???? I hope, hope, hope so:) :) :)

>Did you all see the preview for next week? Is it Charlie do
>ya think on the ship???? I hope, hope, hope so:) :) :)

Actually, I think it's Michael. The guy the others let go several seasons ago. I don't know where his son, Walt is . . . but that's my guess!! :D
>Did you all see the preview for next week? Is it Charlie do
>ya think on the ship???? I hope, hope, hope so:) :) :)

I think it's Michael too (but I wish it were Charlie!).
I think it is Michael too. We saw Charlie as a "Ghost" talking to Hurley already.
I think it is a parallel universe. I also think Jack's dad and Penny's dad (which proved right for next weeks episode) know (knew) about the island I think they may have even been on it before and are trying to get back (that's why Pennys dad bought the Scientists Journal. His paddle number was 755 (Why). That was a different plane under water with a different pilot, (Remember the cockpit of Oceanic fell onto the Island Kate and Jack and Charlie went to receive the transceiver and ran into the pilot and something dragged him up and out of the cockpit and killed him.

I think Ben is protecting the Island because of the fact that Loch was paralyzed and now is not, Jin & Sun could not get pregnant off the Island now they are but the babies do not survive after the second trimester and do you remember Bernard and his wife she was African American didn't she have cancer and was going to die? People would be coming left and right.

The dollar figure they keep mentioning I think it is a code I do not think it is actual money, What do you think? Or did Ben steal the money from someone or somewhere and got on the island with it.

My brain hurts anyhow I am going to re-watch these on the puter.


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Yep, I told my dh I thought it was going to be Michael on the ship. It will be interesting to find out and who the rest of the Oceanic 6 is!!
That was interesting about Mr. Widmore. The island definitely has special healing *powers* and what Ben was talking about with Locke about people would want to come to the island for that...

The $3.2 million could be a code. I know, it starts to hurt my brain thinking of possibilities too!!
DH thinks Walt is the "man on the ship".

I gotta give props to my best friend. He's speculated for the last two weeks that Penelope's father is Ben's nemesis...and he was right!
Interesting episode. I think Locke is becoming too trusting of Ben - I don't trust that man one iota. Ben knows exactly what to say/do to get what HE wants - very manipulative.

I also think that Ben's man on the boat is Michael. I *wish* it were Charlie, I really do, but I think Charlie's really dead.

So, do we think Sun will be one of the Oceanic 6, based on the previews for next week? In order to save herself and her baby, she's got to get off the island. I wonder what she'll choose, and if Jin will go with her.
Oh yeah, I don't trust Ben one bit... he knows exactly how to manipulate!!

I think Sun might be one of the Oceanic 6. Now I can't wait for next week!! ;-)
Does anyone know if they'll air more than 8 episodes?????????!!!!!!!!

I know they only had 8 episodes completed before the writers strike. x(
>Does anyone know if they'll air more than 8
>I know they only had 8 episodes completed before the writers
>strike. x(

According to TV Guide, they have been working to compress the 8 episodes into 5, which will start airing in April.
Michael seems like the obvious choice, but I don't beileve the writers would make it that easy for us....I mean that wouldn't make our brain hurt. I'm sure there's a twist.

My next guess would be Walt....but that too, is an easy guess.

>Yeah, but Walt's not a *man*, he's still supposed to be what,

But with the time dilation thing on the island, maybe he is a 'man' now (and played by a different actor). That would be a surprise (not in 'who' it is, but in 'how' they are).
I think it's Sayid as Ben's man on the freighter. Afterall, Sayid clearly is working for Ben in the future. Why not he be Ben's man in the present???
> Why not he be
>Ben's man in the present???

Because Ben said he had a man on the ship before Sayid even went on the helicopter to the ship?
I think it's Charlie on the boat, if you go back and rewatch this weeks previews, they show Desmond talking to someone, and if you pause it it really looks like Charlie. Unless it's going to be Desmond seeing things.. it's Charlie

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