Lose Body Fat


Hi, Everyone, need input on best Cathe videos to lose body fat.I have Step Heat, Mega Step Blast, Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max. I tend to gain muscle very easily, so I try to only do endurance strength training (PH,MIS} once a week. Also, how many times per week and for how long would be helpful.
It seems that people get the best results doing PH or MIS 2x per week. I know that I used to when I did MIS but right now I am just getting back into the swing of things. You could do MIS 1x per week and PH 1x per week and mix up atleast 4-6 days of cardio. Generally, people like to do rotations for 4-8 weeks to see what type of results they get. I have also noticed a big difference by doing an Interval workout, such as, Interval Max 1 or 2, and a circuit workout, such as, Circuit Max, once per week. So, if you added these in you would only need to fill in 2 more days with a cardio of your choice, leaving one day for rest. Hope this helps!
Adge - I am no pro so can only give you my 2 cents (if it is worth that much:)

All I know is increasing wt. training and DECREASING cardio has worked wonders for me! I use to do cardio 5-6 days a week and added wt training on to that.

Last fall when I found Cathe and this wonderful forum I started decreasing my cardio and focusing on strength training (only doing cardio 3-4 days a week). I had great results. Then, the intensity series came out and I became guilty of overtraining. I worked my butt off hours a day, too much cardio and got NO WHERE!

Then, in early March I started BFL and once again cut down my cardio and am again seeing great things:) I have went from a size 8/10 to a 6/8 in a month! I love the workout regimen and only do cardio 3 days a week. He focuses on intensity versus duration. I also love the structure in eating and believe this has been more than 50% of the reason for my success. I am seeing great results and it has only been a month. You might want to also check out the www.hussman.org site He has some good general info.

In summary I have taken more than 10% off my body fat% and went from a size 12/14 to a 6/8 (even in JEANS!) in the past 6-7 months primarily by cutting down cardio. And trust me... you are lookin' at a girl who is a cardio addict! I am really starting to believe that it was the surplus in cardio that was keeping me from my fat loss goals!

My favorite Cathe videos are Imax2, and all the terminators!!! I also love the CTX series for cardio! For weight training I LOVE the pyramid upper and lower body as it enables me to push my hardest! S&H is also an old time favorite. If you are new to Cathe strength/wt tapes you might want Power Hour, the Pure Strength series, MIS etc. They are all good! In all reality I don't think you can go wrong with any Cathe tape. There just isn't one that I don't love!

I also agree with Sara on incorporating interval training! It has been the key to my success I am sure. Also a key component of BFL!

As usual, also the better your diet the easier it will be. Make sure you are getting the right combo of carbs, protein and veggies etc.

Good luck! Let me know what you decide to come up with:)
Wow! I am very intrigued with your results. Have you ever posted your rotation? If so, under what thread? Are you following the BFL program exactly? Please tell...
Sara - Yes, I am pretty much following BFL to a "t". However, I usually do 30-40 min of cardio instead of the 20 he recommends. I also add 1 day of endurance for upper body and 1 day of lower body endurance. I add them on the opposite wt day. I never mix cardio and wts in the same day anymore and I think that is 1/2 of it plus the BFL healthy way of eating!!!

I have my whole routine in a spreadsheet. If you e-mail me I can send it to you. Otherwise if you want it on here I can also work on pulling it off and posting it here??

Basicly I do cardio 3-4 days a week for 30-40 minutes and rotate lower body and upper body. It usually goes like this:

Sun-UB, Mon-Cardio, Tues-LB, Wed-Cardio, Thurs-UB, Fri-Cardio, Sat-rest or cardio, Sun-LB. Then the next week it switches and starts with Lower body etc. etc. My spreadsheet has the exact rotations I have been doing.

Hope this helps!
I did BFL last year. I lost 13" overall. I am just a cardio junkie and even though I LOVE weight training I find it hard to believe that by cutting down on my cardio I'll lose inches. Every week I tell myself to reduce my cardio( but I don't!) I'm doing Cathe's April rotation and I added in extra cardio!:eek: How do you get yourself out of that mindset?? Susan
Susan - I totally hear ya'! It is sooooo hard for us cardio addicts. However, I think you have to find a happy medium! Don't "give up" cardio. Just cut back.

I think early days with S&H was key for me. It really took me seeing results to prove it. I lost a ton of weight last fall by cutting back on cardio and increasing wt training. I was using S&H, PS, MIS etc. Then, I got all gung ho about the new Intensity series in Dec./Jan and started doing cardio 4-6 days a week again and tons of Total Body workout days. I soon began to eat like a pig, have signs of overtraining, and honestly did not lose a pound for over 1 1/2 months while working out 1.5 - 2+ hours a day! I actually lost muscle and gained fat ;(

Then, I started BFL in early March and that was proof on the pudding for me. I lost 4.5 lbs in the first 10 days and then another 5 lbs since then! The key for me is the intensity of the wt training. If I train super intense on the wt days then my heart rate gets up there and I get pumped up after ward just like doing cardio. Now I look forward to my cardio days even more and get more out of them. Even during cardio I focus on INTENSE cardio. At the end of 40 minutes I am READY to quit. Prior... I could do cardio for an 1.5 hours easy! Now I never do cardio more than 4 days a week and usually only do it 3! The key though has been the intensity and the RESULTS. Ya' just can't argue with the results. They speak for themselves.

Now I NEVER mix cardio with weights. I may throw an extra body part or two in there but never throw an extra cardio day in when it should be weights. Sometimes I will throw an extra upper body endurance focus in with lower body weight day! The Muscle Endurance video works good for that!

Maybe you should try a rotation with decreased cario for a month. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. However, I would bet if you were true to it, combined with healthy, clean eating you just might be amazed with the results.

You are right though in that it is so mental. Just find a way to kick your own butt, focus on intensity and your muscles will be sore enough you will be glad to have a day off from cardio. That is how I am today. I worked my legs so hard 2 days ago I am STILL sore. I did cardio yesterday and honestly was so glad today was an upper body day for me so I didn't have to do cardio! However, I will be totally ready for cardio tomorrow morning due to the rest.

E-mail me if you want the spreadsheet I have been using to track:)

Sorry for the ramble. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info fitnut! I think I will start doing cardio only 3-4 times a week. Currently I do it 5-6 plus weight train for 3-4!I know what you mean about getting your heart rate up there when weight training! I am going to focus more on the intensity of my workouts as well! Thanks so much! Best of luck with BFL! Susan
I e-mailed all of you who requested the spreadsheet:) Whoever had the address starting with SKS... your e-mail kept bouncing??? Your name wasn't on there so I wasn't sure who it was!

Barbara - I also sent the spreadsheets to you at the e-mail you supplied above.

When looking at them tonight I realized they are a bit cryptic. Let me know if you have probs deciphering my cryptic Cathe lingo:)

If ya' all want I can also work on posting the rotation here over the weekend in a better form of crytic Cathe lingo. Might be a bit closer to english than my spreadsheet!!!!


That was my email from eons ago! I thought I changed it, but mmaybe it didn't stick. Could you please try it again? You can send it to [email protected]. Of course now I realize I also emailed you and didn't sign my name!

Question RE: BFL

I know you said you follow BFL to a T. I have read this book a couple of times. I re-checked it out at the library yesterday. Do you really drink all those shakes too? If so, what kind?


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