L'Oreal Hair Colour


Has anyone used the L'Oreal Couleur Expert hair colour, the one that has the hair colour and then the highlighting kit with it? If so, what did you think? Was it easy to use? How did it turn out?

As a former licensed cosmetologist I would tell you DO NOT try to color your hair yourself. Go to a trusted cosmetologist. Get referrals and have it done right. You will save yourself in the long run. It is way to easy to make a mistake and end up with not exactly what you were hoping for and extra damage too.


Judy "Likes2bfit"


I DO get my hair coloured by my stylist, and she does a good job, but I can barely afford it. It's $70 just to get my roots done, and I'd like some lowlights and I know that will be over $100. I'm a single mom on a limited budget, and I just can't afford $200 to get my hair coloured.:(
Have you ever thought of coloring your hair with Henna? I swore off the chemical colors about a year ago. My hair is so much healthier these days. I use Henna powders from internatural.com. It took about 2-3 colorings to get my hair back into a healthy condition. I have to color a lot of gray and it works for that too.

The reason I bring up Henna is that it is an all natural product. The powders can be mixed to customize the color and natural highlights in your own hair show through. It looks very natural. However, I haven't seen where it looks like you have had it highlighted. So, this might be problem if that is what you are looking for.
Shelley -

I just have a really big problem with spending $90+ on hair coloring that lasts six weeks...

Anyway - I have tried the L'Oreal Color Expert hair color kit. I actually liked the results - but I got a little carried away with the highlights and had more light hair than darker. It still looked good, though.

I like their coloring product that has the highlights built it. That's what I've been using lately.
I have used it and it was hard to see the back of your head. If you had a friend to help you it would be easier. I did like how it turned out though.

Now I mostly just use L'Oereal Excellence. I do the touch up but take some of the color and use a highlighting tool that I have and run some of the new color in like I am highlighting. Since the older colored has lightened, I end up with a very natural look. Even the person that cuts my hair comments on how natural it looks. No problem with dryness but this is the only chemical treatment I use and the color is close to my natural color so no bleaching.
I agree with Judy about home coloring kits. I tried coloring my hair at home because I was tired of paying $90 to have it done at the salon. For a while the color looked great, but after doing it for a few months I noticed my hair become very dry and unmanageable. It would feel awful two weeks after I colored it and the red I was using would turn brassy in no time. Fortunately, I met a friend who was a hairdresser and did house calls. Now she colors my hair with professional coloring and does it for a lot less than I paid at the salon. My hair looks and feels great!

Just my two cents.:)
Hey shelley,

I have colored my hair with the Loreal Hair Colour for almost a year and a half. I love this kit because the first application isn't stinky but the highlight stuff can be smelly. Yes this is the reason I use this because at a salon it cost a fortune. I have hair to mid back almost and that would be outrageous. I can say I have had more compliments on my hair since I have used this. The highlights look so pretty mixed in with the darker color.

Color will dry out my hair, but I really condition my hair religously. I use Redken shampoo and conditioner and it seems to work on me. And also I get a color close to my natural so I don't have to color it for about 3 or 4 months.

Hope this helps some!

I echo the person who said to go to a salon, because this is a highlighting kit, and it is very easy to make mistakes. My friend used this kit, and the results didn't look professional at all.

I color my hair myself because I have a single color, and it is hard to mess it up. My hair also grows very fast. I used to have highlighted hair, but it was too hard to maintain, so I gave it up. My daughter also gave up the highlights, and she went back to her natural color which is a beautiful auburn.

If you don't have to color grey, I would keep my natural color. Most people have natural colors which suit them very well. Your hair looks very pretty.
I haven't seen more than roots of my natural hair color since . . .
about 1978 and here's my experience. I usually (80%) of the time have it done professionally. Every few yrs., I start thinking of other things I could spend that money on and start to color my own. It's sometimes ok, but never good. I always end up going back!
I do play little games like stretching it to 8 wks. vs. 6 (longer for foils) and having the owner do the work (so I don't have to tip). It is insanely expensive, but I'm never happy w/ the results when I don't have it done professionally.
Hey shell bell. I've used that one and it works nicely. I think most of the big name brands do. I'm in the same boat as you with spending buttloads on color. I'd love to but just can't right now. I'm leary about messing around with highlighting b/c that can be disastrous. I tend to like the built in highlights one, too!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

My sister did my niece's hair with this and it looked nice, but I was thinking it would be really difficult to do by yourself.

I get my hair done in a salon (it's my one self-splurge) but I used to do it myself all of the time, and it's fine as long as you are careful not to mix the colors too much (been there, done that). I would say, give it a try but go easy on the highlights the first time. It's much easier to add more later than to do too much at first.

Good luck and let us know how it works out!!

What color are you thinking about doing?


So I must not be up on the whole tipping thing, but why don't you have to tip the owner of the salon? I'm thinking of going to someone who owns his own salon and I would have tipped. But of course since it's so expensive, I'd like to save if I can. But I think I would feel really guilty.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I have had excellent results with that kit and at approx $20. it is a good value! I think that it would be pretty hard to screw up because the base color is applied first and the highlights are applied after shampooing the first application away. The highlights coordinate so well with the base color that any mistakes would not be so obvious. Certainly worth a try.
Shelly, I use to be a hair stylist and I have used them:) Even though it isn't the best thing to do.This would probably be better for a "girls night" where you can get one of your friends to gelp you with it. I am darker then you are so my only advice was to tell you to go lighter then your natural.Everytime I have bought one of those colors, it always turns out darker then the color on the box.Just my luck.But if you are going blonde still, I guess you just have to decide what shade of blonde.
I didn't really have any problems with the color only that it was to dark.
>Have you ever thought of coloring your hair with Henna? I
>swore off the chemical colors about a year ago. My hair is so
>much healthier these days. I use Henna powders from
>internatural.com. It took about 2-3 colorings to get my hair
>back into a healthy condition. I have to color a lot of gray
>and it works for that too.

I used to use henna, it's great if you can figure out the right color (though you can do several 'layers' of henna with no harm to the hair.

BUT if you ever want to have your hair colored with something else, you have to wait until the henna is completely grown out, otherwise, the hair could burn off because of the chemical reaction between other hair colors and henna. So you'd have to be willing to put up with having grey hair for a while.
Wow, what a lot of conflicting advice!

I wouldn't attempt to do it by myself, especially the highlighting part. I'm really not sure though. I'll probably just bite the bullet and go into debt to get it done at a salon:p
>BUT if you ever want to have your hair colored with something
>else, you have to wait until the henna is completely grown
>out, otherwise, the hair could burn off because of the
>chemical reaction between other hair colors and henna. So
>you'd have to be willing to put up with having grey hair for a

I have heard this too. It is an important concern. I did some research on it before and it has to do with metallic salts or something along those lines. If you use Henna that is free of these salts, you can color away without problems. However, if it does have salts, you could burn your hair with chemical colors.

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