loose skin on tummy 7 mos after DS and big weight loss...


anybody else have this? i lost over 70 lbs since beautiful DS was born 7 mos ago. have a little skin on lower abdomen. still some flab there too, but no where near as much. i'm eating clean and working hard... just started butts and guts rotation to see if i can make a difference.

just wanted opinions from other mommy's who've gone through this. will the appearance of loose skin improve over time as my core hardens, or am i destined to get a tummy tuck?? :(

mommies,please share! :)
First off, congratulations on the weight loss. That is amazing!

I hope someone has a better answer for you than the one I am about to give. I've lost a total of 57 pounds since having DD 9 months ago and so far the loose skin has not went away. It did go away after having DS. (He is 4 years old now.) With both pregnancies I gained the same amount of weight (42 lbs), but with DD I was about 10 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with DS. I would still like to lose about 10 pounds more, but I don't think my loose skin will be going away. You will probably get varying answers because everyone's body is different. Hopefully someone else can give you more hope.
I gained 127 pounds with BOTH pregnancies. EEK! Anyway, my skin is tightening up very well and I don't really have loose skin in my abs. I think a part of it is genetic and I also feel the heavier you weight train, the better your body tightens up. You won't get bulky at all unless you're one of the lucky ones. There was an article saying if you go heavy doing upper body, your abs/core get shapely and tight. I have not done ab work in MONTHS and this seems to be working for me. I'm not looking for a 6 pack as I don't care for it. I just want a flat/tight abs. My last child was born 2 yrs ago. You just had the baby 7 months ago. It will take a while. Just keep going what you've been doing and if you're into weight training, I'd up your poundage a little by little every week. I'd try to do cardio 6x a week even if it's only for 20-30 minutes. Clean eating is quite important, too. I hope this helps.

Lisa :)
thanks for that Lisa! I'm not really into a six pack either, like you, i just want flat tight abs. (of course if Mr. Six Pack knocks at the door, I'll let him in LOL).

anyway, i realize it will take a while, it just really helps to hear that it really can go away from others who've experieneced it. i've been told that i'm really lucky, considering i didn't really get any stretch marks, that i dropped so much weight in a short period of time, and that my loose skin really could be so much worse. DH says he already sees an improvement. I'm in for the long haul... even though weight training isn't my fave thing to do, i've become much more diligent in adding it to my cardio routines b/c nothing else has produced such dramatic results....

it really just helps so much to hear success stories along the way...

thanks again...

sass :)

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