Looking for input- Mirena expereince

I LOOOOOVE mine! The con for me was having it inserted. It was very painful. However, I've never had children and I've heard it hurts more if you've never given birth. I took the day off and I'm glad I did as I had some pretty significant cramping for the rest of the day. But after that, no problems at all. Both my sisters have also had them and they love them as well. (One sister recently decided to get pregnant with her second child, had it removed and was pregnant within only a few weeks.)

The other con is expense. I believe most insurance companies cover it but if they don't, it's not cheap.

For me, the pros are not having to hassle with birth control and almost non-existent periods. I will occasionally have some spotting but it only lasts a day or two and all I need is a panty liner. I had VERY heavy periods before so this is like a miracle to me.

I've had mine about 3 years now and I honestly think it's one of the best things I've ever done. :D
I'm with ColoradoSooner. I LOOOOOOVE mine. I have had it for 4 years. It has a 5 year life and I am planning on getting a new one next year. I used to get migraines for several days every month, now I rarely get them. I haven't had a period with all of its ishyness in 4 years, I don't get any spotting. For me the insertion was also quite painful and I was icing in places I thought I would never need to ice, I have also never had children. I will willingly have the day or two of pain from insertion to have the wonderful effects of the device.

I also have looked into this, but I'm still undecided. My friend had one, and she had 3 solid months of spotting after it was inserted! That might not be normal though. She had hers taken out because she felt like the little bit of hormones that it releases were affecting her moods. But really, I think she didn't give it enough of a chance. I think if she would have left it in a little bit longer, her symptoms would have disappeared.

What's held me back is the price. I don't have insurance, and I think it would have cost around $500. At the time we just didn't have the money. But I am curious to hear people's experience with this also, in case I decide to get it in the future.

Had mine for the full five years and NOT ONE negative about it!!! It was by far the best form of birth control I have ever used :) I would have gotten another in a second except we opted for a more permanent method. Cost wise, if you figure other forms, this is cheaper! I had zero periods after the first few months, so figure in no tampons and whatnot for FIVE years! :eek: What could be better than that?!?!

Hated it! Bled/spotted for 6 months straight and then had it taken out because of the constant spotting/bleeding. But, most of my friends love it...so, I think it is an individual thing - like anything! Good luck with whatever you decide.
I LOVE mine. I had one before we decided to have our first baby. As everyone else has mentioned, the insertion was my one and only con. I even took the next day off of work.
I just had my little girl and at 8 weeks postpartum I had another one inserted. This time was SO much more comfortable, hardly any pain and just a teeny tiny bit of bleeding.
If your insurance covers it I would highly recommend it, as previously said, if they don't it's very pricey. I love the convenience of not having to remember anything and my periods are almost non-existant, you can't beat that!
Love mine!!! I have had it 3 years. I have had no bleeding since the day it was inserted. It's wonderful to not have to think of contraception or having a period.

I had extreme pain upon insertion and awful cramping for the day . I finally called and had the doctor call in a script for Hydrocodone. I slept the rest of the afternoon and was fine by the evening. Mine will need to be taken out and replaced in 2 years. My doctor has already discussed me coming in on Valium or Xanex when I have the procedure done the next time. I'll be sure to have the Hydrocodone ready if I need it when the procedure is done.

I want to say I paid $250. But I was paying $25 per month for pills, so this ends up being a bargain.
I am on my 2nd round of having a Mirena. I didn't really experience any pain either time that it was inserted. More like discomfort. Spotted for a couple of weeks, then everything went back to normal. I loved it the first go round. Took it out and conceived my 3rd child within a few months.

While I had it out, my dh kept commenting on how nice I was. Plus, my sex drive was up. We realized that the iud was affecting my moods without us realizing it. However, I love the fact that I don't have to think about my birth control. It's a very effective, no fuss method.

Since my dh was still undecided about a vasectomy, I had it inserted again after I had my son. It's been in a year, and I am noticing that I am moody with a low sex drive again. I am certain that it's because of the iud. My dh has decided to get the vasectomy so that I can have it removed. He wants my sex drive to go back up........:eek:
I am currently on the pill and from all the positive reviews this may make me reconsider!! I noticed a significant amount of weight gain on the pill, is that a side effect anyone noticed with this? Also did it do anything for your skin either way? (I have adult acne and am terrified that if I go off the pill, it will only get worse). TIA!!!

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