Looking for a basic choreography step workout


Well it's official! I just can't do anything other than basic routines on the step. I find myself trying to do up up, down downs most of the time when everyone else is turning and walking around the step, etc. x( I did great with the old Kathy Smith step workouts. Remember those? Now that was MY kind of choregraphy. :p Does Cathe have any step workouts that really works you hard while having moves that us choreographically challenged ones can follow? :D

I'm thinking of suggesting a high intensity, low impact, basic choreography step with those repeating moves (can't think of what you call them) that really fatigue the leg. Is this something anyone else would be interested in?

Hello there Bam!!

I'd like to recommend 2 workouts that helped me get started with step. One is Reebok's "The Video" and the other is also from Reebok, called "The Power Workout". The Power Workout is harder but both have really basic choregraphy and the Power Workout does get repetetive enough to get the legs fatigued. You could also try Reebok's Intense Moves which is an interval workout with basic choreography. A lot of other Cathe-ites love it but once I tried Cathe's interval training, there was no going back!

My first Cathe step workout was Cardio & Weights. After my first time I thought I'd never get those moves but after a few tries it became quite doable. Trust me, you WILL get those moves down. It also helps a lot that some moves like triples around the step, over-face-in-over, rock horse, etc are repeated through many of Cathe's workouts so you get the hang of it. With Cathe's choreo, I strongly recommend IMAX which is a killer workout because of those intervals. . . but. . . the step routine is not too challenging choreographically.

Also, I saw your response on the Open Discussion board. So sorry your e-mails didn't get through. I was looking forward to reading them :-( Try the gmail address again at [email protected] and also [email protected] to see which one gets it.

Hope this helps and I'll talk to you soon :)

Well hello there Faiza! I'm sorry you didn't get my emails. Hopefully you'll get the one I just sent. :D

Thanks for the step info. I really like Cathe's style and I do hope she does make one that's more basic. I'm not talking about less intensity because as you know, you don't need a lot of choreography to get a great workout and I'm sure Cathe would know how to do this quite well. To be honest, my brain just doesn't want to think about the choreography. I've got so much going on up there that I need to give it a rest when I'm working out! :p I will check out the ones you suggested. Hope to hear back from you soon! :7


Just sent you an e-mail but I have another suggestion. Do you have Cathe's High Step Training - Advanced DVD? It's an evil, evil, and absolutely awesome workout }(. It's a circuit workout with all the step choreography done on an 8" high step. The choreography is really not complex but it is very INTENSE!. Cathe does a cardio cycle and then goes immediately into leg press. There are - gulp - 6 sets of leg press in the whole workout. Since they follow the cardio cycles, your heart rate remains in the training zone while your legs are burning. The lower body is worked quite well in this workout. I know that you're looking for something that can keep the lower body challenged as well. There are also some great premixes on this DVD including a Cardio & Lower Body premix that will not disappoint you :7.


Faiza :)
If you are looking to learn Cathe step (which is far more interesting than anyone else's, IMO), you want to start with the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD. Cathe really breaks down all kinds of basic moves here. Then you may want to try Low Impact Step as well as some of the older workouts: Cardio Hits and/or The Classics. Cathe used to break down routines far more granularly than she does now.

Anyway, good luck! Cathe step is so fun, so it's worth the learning time!

Good Morning Bam. I am a newer catheite and I am also choreo challeneged, however, the more I do it the more it is sticking in my brain. A tip for what I did: I preview the chapters and without doing the actual dvd I practice each piece I do not know how to do. Like for instance around the world I go to the section watch her do it until I get the hang of it then I do it until I get the hang of it then incorporate it in the cycle and just try doing the cycle. It's not an actual workout but at least when it comes time it will be more and more familiar. If you have the high step the workouts Cathe has for them are MY FAV!!!!!

Good Luck Hope this may help you.

The CrossTrain Series is also very basic/easy to learn step, yet the workouts are good calorie burners. You also get the bonus of upper body weight training and the Leaner Legs workout. It's a great set.

Oh, let me add...I workout on carpet so doing the turns is 'sticky'. I generally leave the turns out just because I fall behind a step or two because the carpet slows me down.

You can always modify moves...when Cathe is turning during say the side steps...just keep facing forward and sidestepping. Leaving the turning out will not ruin the workout.:D
I asked this same question a few months back and got great responses from everyone and now I even mastered Step Blast, which I never thought I could do. I went from having never done a step workout before to being able to do one of Cathe's hardest in a few months. I first got The Classics and Low Max based on everyone's recommendations. The Classics is where I learned a lot of the names of the moves and how to do them. Then I mastered Low Max, and then Cardio and Weights. Through those videos I learned most of the moves that Cathe uses, and then was able to pick up on other videos a lot quicker. As Cathe always says, always preview at least once before trying a video.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I think I have some homework to do. :7 I've seen in Cathe's Low Max that she does those repeater moves on the step that really burns the thigh. I was hoping to find something similar to that in a step workout that I can master. You all have given me some great ideas. I wish I could piece together portions from different workouts into my own custom made dvd. I can dream can't I? :p

Beth, you definitely have the right idea on how to master the moves. Break them down to one move and keep practicing it. Maybe I'll have to do that at some point when I have the "oomph" to do it! :D

I was exactly the same way when I first started Cathe and now her choreography isn't a problem at all. You may want to try the Basic Step/Body Fusion and the Low Impact Step workout. It's great for learning Cathe's moves. You may also want to try Cathe's older workouts- intense but without all the choreography. Then, you'll be able to tackle her other workouts without a problem since she uses the same moves just put together in new exciting ways.

Good luck and stick with it. Soon you'll be a pro!:)

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