Long term bc pill use


So, after 20 years of being on bc pills with no break whatsoever, I have decided to stop taking them. I was taking them strictly to prevent pregnancy and not for any other condition. I had an appt with my doc on Tues and she said I may experience intense mid-cycle pain when I ovulate (since I haven't done this in 20 yrs!) and to let her know if it gets severe. I was just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? My doc has assured me there are no ill effects from long term pill use and actually a major benefit is that studies have shown that more than 5 yrs of pill use helps prevent ovarian caner (about 15% lower risk than women who haven't used the pill). The one thing I will miss about the pills is how regular and light they make ttotm. I'm mostly curious as to what to expect as my body adjusts to having normal cycles. Of course we're all different, but I don't know anyone else who has taken the pill for as long as me!

TIA for any info or shared experience with this!

Hi Lorrie,
I have taken the pill for 17 years also (since I was 19 years old). I have very easy periods (2 days long) and very few cramps. I've had a great experience with the pill but lately I'm getting sick and tired of taking them. For some reason, I don't want an IUD and I can't risk the forms that have a high failure rate. I hope you get some responses on what to expect as you quit taking them. I'm probably going for a tubal this fall or winter - I would love to never worry about birth control again.

I have been taken the pill for 20 years -- I have been thinking about having tubal too especially since all the talk about estrogen. I guess the pill has alot less estrogen but it still makes me wonder. I actually know very little about tubal so I'm going to meet with the doctor. I thought you would not get a period anymore but someone told me I was wrong. I'm starting to get varicose veins and sometimes they hurt and I think the pill could cause that.

I have been on and off the pill twice. The first time I was on it for about 4 years and stopped at age 21. My period didn't come in 3 months, and wouldn't you know it I had just met my husband and wanted to go back on it. SO they induced my period. It was the heaviest, most painful period ever. And then I went on the pill again.

I took it for another 10-12 years or so and have been off it for about 10 months now. My period comes regularly, is just a little crampy a few days before (actually a reliable indicator it is coming), and is only a little heavier than when I was on the pill. I never had intense pain at any time. Bottom line -- no problems.

I also thought it would be heavier and asked my gyn. She said some women have lighter periods in their 30's and that they get heavier again in the 40's. (For whatever it is worth, she is a new dr. to me and seems quite young, like she may not have had a lot of experience yet.)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-02 AT 12:59PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Lorrie!
I've been on the pill for about 6 years steady (I'm 33) and I was on it about 15 years ago for 2 years (not that that counts for anything, but it's just my history with them). My ob-gyn practicioner told me in no uncertain terms that it was healthy for me to be on them, the benefits far outweigh the risks for me, and that I could continue to be on them until menopause. Of course, we'll see about that, but I trust her opinion a great deal.I've never experienced what you are experiencing due to the pill, but during my non-pill times, I've experienced all kkinds of pain, pre-period, durin period as well as during ovulation. Sharp pain, dull pain, pain, pain pain!!! The pill sure helps with this, that is for sure.

edit: I should mention, I've always had intense, terrible periods, but the pill has helped me incredibly in this respect. What were your periods like before the pill? Can you remember?
Maybe this can clue you in to your pain?

Anyway, just sharing. Hope you find relief.
I was on the pill for about 13 years before going off of them to have children. I didn't really experience any problems myself. After having my 2 kids now I have an IUD. It lasts 10 years and there have been NO problems(cramping, heavy bleeding etc..)I've used it for 2 years so far.Plus I love the fact I don't have to "think " about it any more!
I was on and off (four pregnancies) for 19 years. My DH just did "the big snip". I am SO proud of him.

Periods: I thought they would be just awful. I was wrong. They're very light and spotty. More cramping though.

Another thing I noticed: I have a libido again. I was floored by this. I didn't realize what was happening by using my little pills. And this is NOT a side effect that any Dr. (or package insert) may even acknowlege let alone discuss with you.

Honestly, I have to say I feel kind of cheated by finding this out after so many years. I think it could have made my life a lot better. So, beware, I don't want to frighten everyone, but nobody told ME about this. I'm going to tell.

I was on them for 10 years and went off about 6mo ago. My periods are about the same as when I was on them despite the fact that they ended my very painful cramps when I started them. I think I just out grew those. I also noticed an increased libido. I mean HUGE difference. It was actually frustrating before we got a new rhythm going. I also had a few months of acne on my back and chest when I first went off. Very wierd and frustrating, but it went away. I also noticed that my breast tissue seems softer.
Thanks for mentioning this. I lost my sex drive 3 or so years ago and never thought that bc pills could be the reason. Hmmm. . . will have to check into this. Thanks again.
I have heard of this and have suspected the pill has played a roll in mine being low for a long time. Maybe that's the real reason they prevent pregnancy ;-) Since I've only been off the pill for less than a week it will be interesting to see if that changes. My husband will be thrilled.

Wow! What an informative post! I just ordered my last set of 3 pill packs. I've been on them for quite a few years too (12). I plan to start trying to get pregnant starting next spring. I had no idea what to expect, but after reading your posts, I do. Of course, I will let my doctor go when I have my next appt. I am VERY excited to see if my libido returns!!! I thought I was the only 20-something that felt that way!!!!! Whoever wrote in their post that that may be the TRUE reason the pill prevents pregnancy is probably right :)

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