London bombings

This will be my last post on the subject, I honor all of your opinions even if I disagree. I'm sorry if my first post detracted from the original thread of the message.

I am not "spoiled" in my liberty. I served in the Navy 7 years active, 4 years reserve, honorably discharged from both. I served my time and saw senseless wastes that form my opinions.

Someone else's liberty isn't worth a US service person's life if that citizen of the opressed nation isn't willing to make similar sacrifices.

Our Commander in Chief served his military time out of harms way, his vice president used multiple deferrments to avoid service all together, his quote was he had "other priorities." Previous presidents have dodged service by a lot of other excuses.

Hopefully we won't have to draft non volunteers for service for a service that these two gentlemen think is a just cause. Maybe the Bush twins should enlist and lead by example if it is such a just cause?

I will close this post with the words of Thomas Jefferson.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

I love Thomas Jefferson. Good quote. I hope nothing I said made you think I was questioning your patriotism. I do want to say though that I feel like you did not address any of my comments to your comments, which is disappointing, as it seemed like we might get a good debate going. Frankly I think people these days really just like to hear themselves talk and aren't all that interested in actually listening to what others say or - god forbid - considering that their opinion might actually have some validity. I don't mean to be rude to you but I feel like you came on just to let us know what you thought without really caring to hear anyone else's response. Oh well. Too bad.



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