Live workouts....High quality vs. Low quality?



Not sure if this has been explained but what is the difference in the 2 quality of workouts? what would make someone choose one over the other? I have been having some "freezing" and "stuttering" issues with the Live workouts, and I am not sure why all of a sudden. Would the quality make a difference? I have always chosen the one on the left side, I believe it is the high quality one.

Thanks for your help!
It depends on your internet speed. If you have a slow connection you will need to watch the low quality connection while if you have a good internet connection you should watch the high quality connection. The only difference between the files is the quality of the video you will see. And yes, freezing is caused by a slow internet connection as well as a low quality computer.
Thanks, I assumed I have a good/fast internet connection, but maybe it is not fast enough. I will try the low quality one next time and see if it's better.
Some times when I put on a video, the video plays on my iPad/phone, but on the tv it freezes at the Cathe Live words.
Last time it happened, I put on the lower quality video, and it played.
Thanks, I assumed I have a good/fast internet connection, but maybe it is not fast enough. I will try the low quality one next time and see if it's better.
The only way to know your true internet speed is to run a test at several times during the day on a site like This will let you know what may be causing your problem.
17.71 is not very good and chances are this speed fluctuates throughout the day. The number of devices you have hooked up to the internet and that you are using at the same time will reduce your 17.71 mbps speed even further. Your speed is sufficient to play high quality videos, but just barely. So any fluctuation or drop in speed could cause your video to freeze like you're seeing now. I would talk to your ISP about upgrading your speed if possible. Just so you have an idea, in our office were at 312 mbps which is about 20 times faster than your connection speed.
I can look into increasing our speed...but I guess I don't understand how any speed can measure 312 etc when the measuring tool looks like it only goes to 100?
I can look into increasing our speed...but I guess I don't understand how any speed can measure 312 etc when the measuring tool looks like it only goes to 100?
The speed test doesn't stop at 100. It will measure whatever your speed is and will go well beyond 100.
Thanks....I used the lower quality workout today and did not have an issue. :). I did call my internet provider and they gave me the info to upgrade and said it would definitely improve the way it is working.

Thank you for all your help!

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