Little gross, but does anyone know of a good

becky v

colon cleanse that is gentle enough for daily use? I was using LBS II from an herb store, but decided to let my body rest for a while. Suggestions?
Yes! Oxypowder-- makes me feel squeaky clean on the inside! :7

Also I think it's all natural & completely safe. I'd been using senna pretty regularly & then I heard it could cause hammer toes & hammer fingers! EEEEEWWWWWWWW!
My dh drinks "the pruner" (prune juice) I call it, daily. Trust me, you are on the toilet w/in 40 -50 minutes. He drinks an 8 0z. glass.
Do you mean from the back door? I have a friend who does that often and swears by it. For me that is a one way street and any cleansing I do is with a cleansing juice fast. If you want my input on that one let me know, otherwise I am out of the loop.
Add about a Tbsp of flax seed (ground) to a daily smoothie or anything. It has good, natural fiber that will help keep things moving.

Also, just making sure you have enough fiber daily (from veggies, fruits and whole grains) will keep things clean the natural way.

As for "body cleansers," there are some detox tea that work very gently on the intestines, but also (very importantly) on the liver and internal organs, like "Daily Detox." Just be sure to avoid ingredients like senna (as Laura mentioned), goldenseal (which shouldn't be used internally, according to Andrew Weil, but is great topically for skin problems), or other harsh herbs.
This sounds pleasant:

(From the oxypowder website) "Caution: This product causes watery and gaseous stools which could cause you to feel the urge to pass gas. If you are not able to control your bowels, please be careful when using this product. We recommend that during the 7-day cleanse you have close availability to a bathroom."

Might want to do this when you can take a week off!

(Of course, a lot of colon cleanses can have some rather unpleasant-to-be-around effects!)
If you are eating properly, why would you need to do this?! Especially every day. I understand adding fiber or cleansing every once in awhile, but colon cleansing daily seems sort of extreme. Isn't that one of the symptoms of bulemia? I guess I'm confused. Help me here.
>If you are eating properly, why would you need to do this?!
>Especially every day. I understand adding fiber or cleansing
>every once in awhile, but colon cleansing daily seems sort of
>extreme. Isn't that one of the symptoms of bulemia? I guess
>I'm confused. Help me here.

I agree: It can definitely be taken to extremes, and I don't think it should be done frequently, but I find that a once or twice a year cleanse is good, kind of like "spring cleaning' for the body. A large part of the immune system is in our intestinal tract, so it's good to keep things functioning well. A good diet (at least 35 gm. of naturally-occuring fiber daily)is a good way to maintain. But I'd say most people don't have "normal" movements (in frequency or shape/size) and could benefit from a cleanse. (Of course, reducing the amount of processed foods and fiber-deficient foods in ones diet, and eating more whole foods can help with that pretty quickly!).

Even people who eat well don't eat well all the time. And things like prescripton drugs and other toxins can build up in our livers, so its good to do a liver cleanse every once in a while.
I agree, Kathryn. A cleans a couple of times a year is probably a good thing. I take one tsp of Metamucil daily in 8 oz of water for my IBS symptoms and because I take allergy medicine daily, it can tend to, you know, dry me up.

I was just thinking that cleansing your colon every day could be very hard on the intestinal tract and not a good practice. But maybe my instincts were off.
Renew Life has some great products - for everyday intestinal health and for the occasional cleanse. I did one of their cleanses recently and what a difference it made. I had been eating too much junk and I felt gross, but the cleanse cleaned out my system and got me back on track to eating right. They have a website too: Do you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you? I found several of the products there, and what they didn't have they ordered for me. Just a suggestion...

>I was just thinking that cleansing your colon every day could
>be very hard on the intestinal tract and not a good practice.
>But maybe my instincts were off.

Actually, I think your instincts are spot on. Aside from the normal cleansing due to fiber consumption, relying on something to keep you "regular" can cause your body to be dependant on it. So when you try to stop, you can't "go"! So you have to use the product again.

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