

I had this treatment once because there was some inconsitencies on my thigh after my lipo a couple of years ago. It did work and I am planning on having more done. It's to dissolve fat but I don't think it helps to shrink the skin.

The article didn't explain that it can only dissolve fat in small areas. My doctor said about the size of his fist was the guide he uses. And, it takes several injections in an area to dissolve what most people would like.

You have to wait six weeks after injections to have another one and the healing was less fun than lipo. The site swells, gets black and blue and itches like crazy for about two weeks.
Talk about spot reduction! Thanks for sharing your experience.

As for tightening the skin, a local spa offers a treatment using laser treatments. It takes a series of sessions. Depending on the size of the area, it can add up to over $2,000. My hairdresser used it to help reduce the appearance of her cellulite. It even took off a few inches from her thighs. She told me that she sees better results with clients with loose (not sagging) skin. I'm going to try diet and exercise before considering it for my back thighs.
Cool. Thanks for the info.

Pretty soon maybe all of this cosmetic stuff will be in a time release pill form, LOL!

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