<--Light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness


<--waves mornin' glories
<--has to work today
<--wonders where Judy has been
<--is listening to DH slurp cereal :eek:
<--thinks it is too early to be slurpin anything but java
<--passes golden pot and wishes y'all a good day
<---tells Tammy my DH is slurping cereal AND coffee
<---says today is Friday for me
<---wonders if it is Friday for Tammy
<---thinks working 2 days then having a day off is just about right
<---doesn't especially care for having to work this weekend though
<---has to go "get squeezed" tomarrow morning
<---also wonders where Judy is
<--- waves good morning to Tammy and Robin and all who follow
<--- send Judy an e-mail last night but hasn't heard back
<--- is a bit concerned
<--- didn't sleep well last night and is abysmally tired
<--- only has today and half of tomorrow to get through
<--- can make it
<--- wonders if y'all can send some positive, sparkly love Sophie's way as she's having some issues
<--- has to go leap in the shower but will bbl
<--Waves Good Morning!
<--says TGIF to Robin!
<--Sends Positive vibes to Miss Sophie!
<--Agrees with Phyllis,and also Says it would be cool to only workout two days a week,and still get results!
<--Didn't want to get out of bed this morning!
<--Is Excited,LIC got shipped today,Dyna Bands got shipped today and Barbell set should Ariive today....YIPEEE!!!
<--Wonders if anybody read my Ask Cathe Question? <--apparently confused her<--feels really embarresed about it!<--will probably never ask another question,LOL!
<--Sends Happy vibes to All The AOL crowd!
<--- WAVES wildy to the dear OAL!!!!
<--- just read Shelly's e-mail :)
<--- is fine but needs more hours in each day
<--- has too many projects going: new patio, new workout room, DS #1 home and doing car detailing business in our garage, DS#2 playing hockey most weekends in Canada or new England, golf season
<--- yadda, yadda, yadda
<--- misses the forum here but often has to choose between working out and reading the forum. (Isn't even getting coffee on some days geesh!)
<--- but realizes <-- is so blessed
<--- loves the OAL and will try to contribute!!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
<--waves to the java slurpers
<--is sending good vibes Sophie's way and hopes the issues resolve themselves
<--wonders who is squeezing Robin or is that too personal of a question??
<--tells Amelia not to be silly worrying about her question
<--thought it was a perfectly reasonable question and Cathe answered it well
<--tells Tammy & Phyllis <-- won't bother to visit check in
<--per Shannon's advice ;-)<-- decided to rest at least until Saturday
<--is off to fire up the tea for the tea gals
<--wonders if anyone has heard from Megtastic
<--hopes she's hangin' in there
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---tells Beavs the mammo-machine will be doing the squeezing
<---is overjoyed to hear Judy is safe, sound and busy
<---will order more hours in the day for Judy so she will have plenty of time for us AND coffee
<---is sending a big box of support, good wishes and a couple balloons filled with buoyancy to Ms Sophie and hopes she is soon issueless
<---is excited that Amelia is excited
<---didn't read Amelia's question, but will go do that soon
<---likes Phyliss' work week schedule and thinks it would boost moral
<---is feeling a bit peckish
<---hopes break-buddy arrives at work on time
<--waves good morning!!
<--thanks Tammy for the golden pot----Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
<--is sorry Robin has to work this weekend :(
<--is sending Shelly high energy vibes for the day and sleeping vibes for tonight
<--says Judy sounds ultra busy!!!
<--sending hugs to Sophie
<--hopes Amelia gets all of her stuff soon!!
<--likes Phyllis's idea of work 2 and have 5 days off!!
<--is so glad it's Thursday!!
<--hopes everyone has a good day!!

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--Pops in quick to wave at Judy,Beaves,Catherine,Robin and all!
<--tells Beaves Thankyou!
<--is also glad its thursday!
<--Waves to all who follows,Wishes everyboy has a glorious day!
<--says its pretty down here in Ga,but tooo dry and smokey(wild fires south have drifted smoke to north ga)
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---waves hi to all
<---agrees with Phyllis about the new and improved work week and has felt that way for a long time!
<---would like to be able to give Sophie a big hug
<---figures her mom will take care of that, and so sends lots of postive, happy vibes instead
<---hopes Robin's date with the mammo-machine is short
<---is glad Judy is still out there and hopes she gets a breather soon
<---wonders if Beavs is enjoying the rest week?
<---hopes the wildfires don't come any closer to Amelia!
<---saw a snake yesterday, crossing the yard
<---enjoyed watching it for a few minutes, taking its own snakey time
<---has just been slapped with a monstrous rush job
<---says it seems a 106-pg document was misplaced, and now it needs to be edited TODAY
<---is a little peeved about office inefficiencies
<---may not be around much today!
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--waves good morning
<--sends love and hugs to Miss Sophiepants
<--LOVES Phyllis' idea of 2 days on and 5 days off
<--says as long as there's no cut in pay :p
<--tells Amelia that it looked like some part of her question was accidentally deleted
<--is sure Cathe didn't mind
<--is happy to see Judy and hopes all is well with all the activities
<--tells Beavs that <-- has not heard from Megatastic
<--hopes all is well with her
<--has the squeeze machine coming up soon also
<--sends Shannon good document vibes
<--received 2 absolutely beautiful swimsuits by mail yesterday
<--cannot decide which one to keep
<--says DT said "Decide which one you want and I'll buy you the other one" :7
<--does not need 2 swimsuits and will send one back
<--doesn't swim :p
<--has another busy day ahead
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---thinks Nancy will want two swimsuits to lounge in the sun in Belize in
<---wonders if that is a dangling participle
<---thinks something is dangling
<---wants to rock and roll all night, and party every day
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---says alter-ego-Robin just took over my fingers
<---would rather sleep all night then rock and roll
<---says a party all day would be OK if it included cake
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--wants to party with Robin's alter ego and eat cake with Robin's regular ego :p
<--got the swimsuits for Belize
<--wonders if maybe Robin is right that <-- will need two?
<--says it's in the 80s in Belize in Nov-Dec
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--- tells Nance ALWAYS take two swimsuits
<--- says <--- had a $70 bikini top clasp break after two days in Cuba, exposing <--- to the entire huge pool area
<--- did not have a back-up and had to buy one in the resort store
<--- is not in a very good mood
<--- is happy to see Judy
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---had a similar clasp failure in St John, but had a back-up suit
<---paid outrageous price for big safety pin to hold failed suit together
<---is in a goofy mood and will see Shelley's not-very-good-mood and raise her two goofies
<---tells Shelley to ante up
<---stumbles into thread and waves hi to Tammy, Robin, Shelley, Phyllis, Amelia, Judy, Catherine, Beavs, Shannon, and Nancy... and all who follow :)
<---had a fabulous birthday dinner last night at Jonah's :9
<---ordered the red snapper, prepared with a red pepper cream sauce and shrimp :9 :9
<---also had the really really huge piece of chocolate cake
<---probably won't need to eat for a week now
<---hopes Robin's squeezing goes well
<---is sending positive, sparkly love vibes to Sophie and wonders what kind of issues she's having
<---hopes whatever the problem is, it is resolved soon
<---is really liking Phyllis' idea for a 2-day work week with a 5-day weekend ;)
<---hasn't seen Amelia's Ask Cathe question yet, but tells Amelia to not feel embarassed - we all do silly things like that :)
<---is happy to see Judy here today! :D
<---thanks Beavs for making the tea :)
<---tells Shannon that <--- likes watching wildlife too, <--- thinks snakes and lizards and such are cool
<---is going to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago this weekend and can't wait to see all kinds of critters! :D
<---is sorry Shannon got slapped with that monstrous job and hopes it goes more quickly than she expects
<---thinks Nancy's DT is very sweet to offer to buy her the other swimsuit - one can never have too many swimsuits on a tropical vacation!
<---is LOL at Robin's dangling participle
<---dangles participles all the time and doesn't care :p
<---would also prefer to rock and roll all day, and sleep every night
<---is sorry that Shelley isn't in a good mood
<---hopes her mood improves soon :)
<---is off to catch up on all the other forum happenings...
<---loves, loves, loves roasted red pepper cream sauce and wonders if anyone has a good recipe for it
<---tried to make it once and it had no flavor
<---dangles a piece of chocolate cake and a lizard in front of Emily and wonders which one she'll lunge for
<--waves to Shannon and tells her rest week is going nicely
<--spent last night curled up in bed with book and mp3 player
<--tonight will be dinner and movie with pregnant friend who is about to burst (hopefully not in <--'s car)
<--hopes the 106 page document in question is edited hitch free
<--is sorry someone cute is not giving Robin the squeeze
<--thinks Nancy should keep both swimsuits even if she doesn't swim
<--is glad to see Judy back on the scene
<--joins Catherine in being glad is Thursday

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